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Looks a cracking little circuit that Coop

reckon its one of the best in the country  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Looks a cracking little circuit that Coop

reckon its one of the best in the country  :t-up:  :t-up:

oh and forgot to mention you can hire it too for £150 per day then £30 a driver , last time we were up one of the wrc Focus"s had been there looked there had been some serious drifting going on  there was black rubber everywhere  :D  :D

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Jeff , cadets is all about slipstreaming due to the lack of power , get him to watch youtube footage of the super1 rounds , he'll notice they stay glued on the bumper of the kart in front ,no matter what the line (they are usually on the right one in S1 anyway) then pop out at the last minute under breaking ,

he had much better speed but was popping out too early off the bottom corner up the long straight , if he had sat there pushing the other lad along he could have popped out at the top and done it ..

easier said than done , but thats where i felt he lost out .

but then i am fat , old slow ,and still in pain.

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Jeff , cadets is all about slipstreaming due to the lack of power , get him to watch youtube footage of the super1 rounds , he'll notice they stay glued on the bumper of the kart in front ,no matter what the line (they are usually on the right one in S1 anyway) then pop out at the last minute under breaking ,

he had much better speed but was popping out too early off the bottom corner up the long straight , if he had sat there pushing the other lad along he could have popped out at the top and done it ..

easier said than done , but thats where i felt he lost out .

but then i am fat , old slow ,and still in pain.

evening Harv , me and the kids have just been watching the fattys in the 177s on motors tv at Pfi  ???  ???  , feck me that is rough and ready racing, more respect due ur way I reckon  for getting among that :0  :0  :0  :0

seemed to be only tonykart cosmic or gillard from what I can see and t/k seemed to have the job sorted  :oops:

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My ribs are badly damaged enough after the weekend before last to have called it a day for this year , i am going to look and see which winter champiomnnship in 177 i fancy doing , or wether i fancy having a 2010 alonso and selling my tonykart in an attempt to be fit and on it for the 2010 championships at rye .

have so far got myself to 10th in the championship having not done 2 rounds but we have alot of the super one boys with us , and its getting tougher and tougher ......

wish i had the cash to do a year of super1 , just to carry round a number  from a championship finish ..... top 10 in super 1 at 177 means you really are tough as nails . and top 10 in the UK

or i might see if i can do the masters in spain at the winter cup.

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so Pierre/captain..

which one of you will be doing the iron man 2mrw after the trackday then  :D  :D  :D

will pop along in ceaser late morning , quite looking forward to driving it on track but reckon am going to be appauled at the handling  :down:  :down:

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so Pierre/captain..

which one of you will be doing the iron man 2mrw after the trackday then  :D  :D  :D

will pop along in ceaser late morning , quite looking forward to driving it on track but reckon am going to be appauled at the handling  :down:  :down:

I dont think you will actually, I think it'll be pretty good actually. I had a nice suprise when I took that CRX out the other day, drove really nicely, so ceaser should be pretty darn good!

I dont think the karting is an ironman, I think its 10 minutes practice and then a 20 minute race.

Looking forward to tomorrow, there's a lad in a striker we know who seems to fly, want to get on track with him.

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will see 2mrw Pierre, just hope the cap aint behind me to witness it on camera  :oops:  :oops:

I replaced all the brake pads so it should top ok, it just seems to over/understeer on the road  :suspect:  :suspect:  the back tyres are just about bald (cr500s) , ive got a new pair to go on so might as well run the old ens off 2mrw!

is the captain running slicks  :suspect:  :suspect:

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is the captain running slicks  :suspect:  :suspect:

Naturally. ;)

Although the fronts are pre-historic I think! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Now I know what the cap got upto when he was younger:

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


The embedded video isn't working for some reason, ah well.

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try again then im curious now  :blush:  :blush:

Ps Im also counting on Ross taking his beemer and his brakes cooking so I can blag one of his sessions so I can try and give the captain chase  :down:  :down:

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so Pierre/captain..

which one of you will be doing the iron man 2mrw after the trackday then  :D  :D  :D

will pop along in ceaser late morning , quite looking forward to driving it on track but reckon am going to be appauled at the handling  :down:  :down:

I dont think you will actually, I think it'll be pretty good actually. I had a nice suprise when I took that CRX out the other day, drove really nicely, so ceaser should be pretty darn good!

I dont think the karting is an ironman, I think its 10 minutes practice and then a 20 minute race.

Looking forward to tomorrow, there's a lad in a striker we know who seems to fly, want to get on track with him.

Yeh karting is 10mins practice and 20min race!

See you tomorrow  :t-up:

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