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fook I woud like to race that next year   :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

I could get you some contact details if you want! :devil:

It is a cracker of a car, I'm just wondering if I should buy it. I think if I used my bottom end with the top end of that one, I'd end up with a better engine. I could take the brakes off my civic and stick em on that CRX, would probably try and use my LEDA's as well, but would need some modifications for that, in all fairness the original racing bilsteins are supposed to be good anyway.


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anyone fancy adopting my kids and taking them racing for another season or two  :oops:

Speaking of which, how did the boys get on today???

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yes ben went well as usual :t-up:  :t-up:

we had a reasonable day although i feel stressed to death with it all  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

Dan had very good pace which is a first at Teesside, he went 7 tenths quicker than he evr has and was only a couple of tenths of the front lad who has awesome round that track ( he holds the lap record) and dan was quite racey when he got a chance , feel as though we have turned a corner with him and its looking good :t-up: unfortunatley  I ballsed the final for him though by dropping 6 psi out his tyres which dropped him  2/10ths a lap  as he visually struggled to hold a line  :(  :durr:  :durr:

Ryan slow off the starts again and frustrated me by making stupid errors going wide and letting people through ( must have screamed at him 5 times on the same subject  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  ) but made up for it in the later laps making up a fair few places,  best he managed today was a 50.2 so that is quicker than he ever went on his old ms kart but strangley it was in the final that he was quickest after i had reduced his tyre pressures right down which didnt work for ben on the same chassis   :suspect:  :suspect:  I never told him I had done anthing but soon as he came in he said the kart felt much better  ???  :suspect:  :suspect:  he was chuffed to bits with his 2nd place trophy  :D  :D

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Pete did your day get any better  :suspect:  :suspect: shame after a cracking start  :cool:  :cool:  :t-up:  :t-up:

few of my attempts at photography :oops:  :blush:






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I think were going to have a go at it tomorrow morning, no harm in trying. The car I think would have finished the race but wasn't sure what it was at the time, it was crabbing badly so I though best not risk it. If we get it back somewhere near straight, we should be ok for the race I guess.

As said though, what a shame after such a great start. I've now got my vtec in 1st gear so it goes off like a bleedin rocket! :love:

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Well, just to give you gents an update.

Got the thing bent back out, the wheel looked reasonably straightened, came out near perfect on the tracking gauges, however, its still not right. It started off ok but as it went through the race, the handling got worse and worse and worse. So need a rethink. I finished 4th in class. In all honesty I could have probably had 3rd but wouldn't have made a difference to the championship so I cruised round at the end of the race. Might as well finish the race I spose.

Got a cracking start again though, fook me does it get off the line well. It seems to be 2nd gear where it takes off combined with the improved momentum from 1st gear. Love it!

So, I'm thinking, re-shell! possibly into a CRX! Would love to do that, the captain's not so keen! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

BTW, decision made, the kart will be up for sale at some point in the near future or the start of next year. Will need the moolah! :(

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so how did you get the wheel straight then ???  ???  and how bad do your panel beating attempts on the quarter panel look  :0  :0  :0
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