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Well done Mr C, those pics are pretty darn good!

Was the final the one we saw? I think the start cocked him up big style, the 2nd place kart held back technically putting Ryan in 5th or 6th to start with! The grid should have been told to go round again IMO.

Well done BTL on the race we saw, I thought it was cruel when they restarted it and sent you to the back again! :(

Got to say though, from the sidelines, I think rock-steady is the one enjoying himself the most at the moment and he's going rather well to boot. Even game me the itch to get out there, well done pal! :t-up:

In the final Ryan was up to 4th I think ? he  drove on to the grass  on the straight bit going into the top bus stop and at pretty much full speed spun backwards!! I think he dozed off  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  Time the mashalls dug him out he was last  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead: One lack of concentration ruined what had been an awesome days racing by him  :down:

and Dont get me started on Dan  :down:  :down:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

Wish I had my camera armed later for Logs final, he took to the grass at high speed to save loosing a place, was awesome  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Well done Mr Coops, those pics are excellent, next time it's you in the kart and me on the camera. Can understand your frustration but Dan with a fastest lap and Ryan making a very rare mistake :sheep:  :sheep: I do'nt you should be too disapointed. As for me I enjoyed it but do'nt think it is for me, it is defo for you circuit racers, get yourself in Pete :p  :p
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Well done Mr Coops, those pics are excellent, next time it's you in the kart and me on the camera. Can understand your frustration but Dan with a fastest lap and Ryan making a very rare mistake :sheep:  :sheep: I do'nt you should be too disapointed. As for me I enjoyed it but do'nt think it is for me, it is defo for you circuit racers, get yourself in Pete :p  :p

Log you do yourself a great  injustice you were not your usual raggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggged self today you looked smooth, I think you had good pace and had an awesome race , the racing bit you have no doubt and if the kart could have gone quicker im pretty confident you would have made it go  quicker  ;)

we will see for definate when the times go up as all weights were the same today and  I would be suprised if dippy was much if any quicker than you were  ???  ???

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just spoke with Ian, sounds like he had a mare at Wales with ben, set pole then sounds like he lost a few places in the next race then barged off by the same kid that took him off at Rowrah  :mad:

check out the Rowrah footage.. 6.20 for the big shove off!

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Rocksteady in action , has been a while since a Monza was behind him  :D


and big and heavy taking kerb  :oops:


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Log you do yourself a great  injustice you were not your usual raggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggged self today you looked smooth, I think you had good pace and had an awesome race , the racing bit you have no doubt and if the kart could have gone quicker im pretty confident you would have made it go  quicker  ;)

we will see for definate when the times go up as all weights were the same today and  I would be suprised if dippy was much if any quicker than you were  ???  ???

We will see next week, Mrs Log given me permision to go to Rowra so will be there on Bagey's chassis and my engine, you can set the bench mark and will have no excuse :t-up:  :t-up:

Must say again, impressed with your photographic skills :cool:  :cool:

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cool  :t-up:

thinking out loud here  and correct me if you think this would be a backward move  :bangshead:  :bangshead::oops:

Dan has tremendous pace in his Tkm, setting fastest lap of heat 1 and pretty sure he has the 3rd fastest of the day despite being stuck in traffic all day  :bangshead:

Obviously He needs to learn to overtake /race to progress any further forward ,  Im taking him practising in his kart every week and yes its worked well on a clear track he is as quick as anyone there.. but this practice isnt helping him on race day  :durr:

Im thinking on the lines of getting a prokart run it with standard (slow) engines and sticking him at the back of the prokart grids and making him make his way up the grid till he learns to race!!  opinions please!  :durr:  :durr:  :durr:

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great race day today .... had 2 super one guys racing with us today  fast grid , and some of the fastest closest racing in 177 i have ever enjoyed , fastest driver today got with a 10th of the lap record , and i was only 2 10ths off that had a mare of a first heat so was placed 9th for the final after a respectable heat 2 and 3 , cracking start , got to 4th , was on the pace , and then made a move i shouldn't and ended up finishing 8th with personal best laptimes all day long .
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cool  :t-up:

thinking out loud here  and correct me if you think this would be a backward move  :bangshead:  :bangshead::oops:

Dan has tremendous pace in his Tkm, setting fastest lap of heat 1 and pretty sure he has the 3rd fastest of the day despite being stuck in traffic all day  :bangshead:

Obviously He needs to learn to overtake /race to progress any further forward ,  Im taking him practising in his kart every week and yes its worked well on a clear track he is as quick as anyone there.. but this practice isnt helping him on race day  :durr:

Im thinking on the lines of getting a prokart run it with standard (slow) engines and sticking him at the back of the prokart grids and making him make his way up the grid till he learns to race!!  opinions please!  :durr:  :durr:  :durr:

You could do a lot worse, when we were watching Dan at the bottom of the circuit we were willing him on to have a "punt" and there were plenty of oppertunities but he just looked too scared to do it, Aj was exactly the same.

Please do'nt get me wrong, I am not knocking him, it just feels natural to me to get up the inside of someone as soon as there is a hint and yes, there will be tears sometimes but if your not prepaired to do it, as Dan and Aj clearly are not, then they your never going to get to the front.

When we test we test the kart, not the racing, if you lend me his smoothness I will lend him my race craft :sheep:  :sheep:  :sheep:

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i am with you on this Bob , racecraft is hard to learn , and Karting is where to cut your teeth , you have to make the lunge and as you rightly say it won't always come off .

But they need to have the confidence that if often will and the more confident you are the more often it will

i woul'nt put him in a prokart Jeff but sit him down and talk through what he needs to do an encourage him to do it , its the same with starts , being agressive and sticking with it will gain more places in one corner than you could in a race , but starting isn't for the meek , and in some classes its downright terrifying , but not getting stuck in no matter how fast you are will kill your race.

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Jeff, my boy had same problem. In fact it is very common in Cadet/Junior karting.

Be patient, offer encouragement certainly don't be hard on him, time will allow things to change.

One thing I did with my lad, was get him to focus on the gap, thus look beyond the kart in front of him, concerntrate on the space around that kart.

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just had a conversation with the guy that runs the race team I bought our chassis off, he also reckons he sees it all the time with new drivers, he advised to save money on practice and get him into as many races in his tkm as possible and bum in the seat time will fetch him on  :sheep:
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