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Was a good day/night seems ages since we were at teeside Ben enjoyed it cadet races were very close Ryan gave a good show especially? his starts he was  like lightning and he had a massive grin :D  when he saw his times. JC and Bob was a mixed night but the pace was there i do think in a grid like that with prokarts it will always be rough racing unless you are out front ext time maybe!! Yes looking forward to warden law next week Ben, Dan, Ryan?? may go one night for a few tours will give you a call  JC.

As for Ryan you get my vote  for driver of the day well done and keep it up ;) , reward for this as follows

1..... new stickers :p

2.....new race boots :p

3.....practice and race at warden law this week :p  :p

4.....all the sweets you can eat :p

5.....ammunity from all bedtime foot attire for 1 month  :p  :p  :p  :p  :p

again well done!!!!!!

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Was a good day/night seems ages since we were at teeside Ben enjoyed it cadet races were very close Ryan gave a good show especially? his starts he was  like lightning and he had a massive grin :D  when he saw his times. JC and Bob was a mixed night but the pace was there i do think in a grid like that with prokarts it will always be rough racing unless you are out front ext time maybe!! Yes looking forward to warden law next week Ben, Dan, Ryan?? may go one night for a few tours will give you a call  JC.

As for Ryan you get my vote  for driver of the day well done and keep it up ;) , reward for this as follows

1..... new stickers :p

2.....new race boots :p

3.....practice and race at warden law this week :p  :p

4.....all the sweets you can eat :p

5.....ammunity from all bedtime foot attire for 1 month  :p  :p  :p  :p  :p

again well done!!!!!!

the bar has been raised, a sub 50 second lap would inspire such a spend  ;)  :p

its his 11th Birthday this week so slipper ammunity will last for one day behavior dependant  :oops:  :D

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:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Saw that for sale the other day when a mate was looking for something to race. It was a mate of Carls who sold me mine, he said it was a good car to be honest so with a decent driver, yes, should be similar if not quicker.


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.02 bhp gains, sprockets, tyres , caster , wheels in ,then  wheels out, soft axles/medium axles/hard axles ,loosten bumpers, ride heights and now the most anoying thing yet to get my head round b****y pop offs and holding pressures on carbs   :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

where will this all end  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :p

looking forward 2 2mrw spectating not participating in Warden Laws race  :arse:

JC.    tkm+cadet mechanic/advisor and sponser  :arse:  :oops:

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Well, the engine is run in, we think! :suspect:

Ran the engine for about 10 minutes at a bit over tick over, all seemed fine, let it cool and changed the oil. Set away again doing much the same but started smoking out the exhaust as if the ring hadn't sealed! :(

Phoned bob at prosport to see if it was worth giving it a run before calling it a failure, said it was worth a go so took it through to tinsard. Did a few laps round there below 6000rpm, no smoke and no oil! :t-up:

Will hopefully have it out next weekend to build the speed up, should have fresh rubber by then too. Havent fitted the axle, not sure if I'm going to tackle that one yet. The current one runs so freely, I dont really want to disturb it.

So hopefully the engines alive and well again and some fresh rubber sorts the handling issues out. :t-up:

BTW, O/T any prodigy lovers liking the

I'm loving it, I think it might make a good karting video song!

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well done Pierre, I better sell mine now then just in case you are on the pace  :oops: have to be honest I feel a Rotax coming on for swiss  :oops: had a go in Slippys pals on Saturday and although it handles s***e the power was addictive  :blush:  :blush:

s**t day for the boy today at W law, knocked off 3 times in 4 races , and twice on the 1st corner  by the same person :bangshead:  :bangshead: annoying as he practiced all day yesterday without one spin , so we are no further forward than we were last month  :arse:  :arse:  :arse:  :arse:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

Ryan had a steep learning curve with his first w/law race , he qualified 12 out of 18 , problem he had was he didnt seem to realise cold tyres dont grip as well as hot tyres, so in the race after an awesome start passing 3 comers off the start he bullied his way up to 6th before  overcooking it on gas works and getting wallaped hard bending his bumper and brakets,we did a quick repair race was red flagged  but the ******s made him go from the back as we didnt get him back on track till they had regridded everyone  :mad:  :arse:  :arse:  and we didnt realise he only had 1/4 throttle as the bumper was stopping the pedal go down and the wheel turning  so he only made up 2 places  :arse:   another spin in the next race on 1st lap saw him drop back again, the final he started near the back and got up to 12th and had it not been for another tank slapper coming onto the start straight he would have finished higher  :t-up:  Well happy with his progress , there is defo a bit of the Log in him somewhere  ???  ???  ???

feel he will do well with some more laps under his belt, he sure isnt short on big balls   :0  :0  :0   :cool:  :cool:

Congrats to ben, excellent drive today  and impressive 4th finish, the final was fantastic viewing , just a couple of corners to master at W/law and a 3rd possibly / higher  will be easy I reckon  :t-up:  :t-up:

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phoned about 2 rotax engines tonight  complete ready to bolt onto me Monza ,but  both sold   :arse:  :sheep:
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phoned about 2 rotax engines tonight  complete ready to bolt onto me Monza ,but  both sold   :arse:  :sheep:

No one cheats quite like Mr C! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Birrel Rotax is now in the garage, who is out to play this weekend to see my ribs get broken :p  :p Mr Coops will no doubt be the first one to beat my time on it :(  :( (if I let him on it) :0  :0
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I reckon you will be able to go longer in the bedroom than you will in the seat of a Rotax, so on a 10 minute session there will be more than enough time for both of us to tire our selves out  :oops:  :down:  :down:  :down:  :D  :D  :D
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You and that bedroom chat, I've told you, do'nt tell everyone about it :0  :0 Go and see a doctor and he will give you some advice on your ten second problem :laugh:  :blush:  :blush: And do'nt worry, I will give some advice on how to drive a Rotax:                                               BADLY :)  :)
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