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Eddy is out to play on the new machine, bet we do'nt get near him if it is slippy :(  :(

indeed especially as he hasnt got the tachograph installed yet  :oops:  :D

think an early nights on the cards for me  :zzz:  :zzz:

has the Log participated in his threesome yet , that will be the only first finish you get all weekend if so  :blush:  :p  :p  :xmas:

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Had a good day today, I was let down a bit by rubber, ordering new YJL's today, but that the only thing, Jeff was going well until he T boned AJ and bent his axle, after he spun trying to avoid Eddy and unbeleavably I was not involved in any of it.

AJ was flying in the new kart putting in consistant 1.0005 while Jeff and I were doing mid 1.01's

Eddy got to grips with AJ's old pro kart taking 4 seconds off his old kart time so he was happy too.

Weather was great too.

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more ******g expense axle is like a bannana  :arse:  :mad:  :mad:

apart from that and luckily it happened on the last session it was good day though, plenty of time for £20  :t-up: Dippys kart was quicker than ours, not sure if its engine or grip out the bends  :suspect:  though, he certainly looked at home in it though :cool: I run my new engine in and that seems to go better than my old one, wasnt a kick in the A*** of logs pace down the straights, old engine couldnt get near him  :oops:

think will have some new rubber meself, sold the boys red birel on Saturday  :t-up:  and sold the blue one one ebay last night so bit of that money can go towards it  :zzz:  :zzz:  :zzz:

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more ******g expense axle is like a bannana  :arse:  :mad:  :mad:

apart from that and luckily it happened on the last session it was good day though, plenty of time for £20  :t-up: Dippys kart was quicker than ours, not sure if its engine or grip out the bends  :suspect:  though, he certainly looked at home in it though :cool: I run my new engine in and that seems to go better than my old one, wasnt a kick in the A*** of logs pace down the straights, old engine couldnt get near him  :oops:

think will have some new rubber meself, sold the boys red birel on Saturday  :t-up:  and sold the blue one one ebay last night so bit of that money can go towards it  :zzz:  :zzz:  :zzz:

Noticed the world formula kart at Teesside was on a 40mm axle I think. :suspect:

Well done old dipp the egg. Were you all weighted up to 170kg's that Wardy Laws specify (If your going to race!) :mad:  :down:  :down:  :0  :0

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Pickup and trailor loaded along with Swiss's van ready to go and race tommorrow, me AJ 3 Coops and my mate Pete and his misses are stopping over and he is doing it in a Rotax, anyone else up for the fun?
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Pickup and trailor loaded along with Swiss's van ready to go and race tommorrow, me AJ 3 Coops and my mate Pete and his misses are stopping over and he is doing it in a Rotax, anyone else up for the fun?

Was gonna come along but going to watch me uncle race in the locosts at mallory park now.

Good luck guys! :t-up:

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Pickup and trailor loaded along with Swiss's van ready to go and race tommorrow, me AJ 3 Coops and my mate Pete and his misses are stopping over and he is doing it in a Rotax, anyone else up for the fun?

We'll be there Bob, been today  was ok, Ben managed 1.03 but there was a very strong head wind down the straight, new engine tried.... watch this space ???  seemed very good bottom end :. dont forget to drop by  the new team Thompson hospitality motorhome recently luxuriously???? built by JC thanks, with Bobs wood thanks also, and trimed with Olives spare new carpet, glad she's at the wobbly. what time tomorrow then 7.45 from yours?

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havnt decided if im gonna race 2mrw will play it by ear me thinks  :suspect:  :suspect:  :suspect:

I remember all too well what happened last time I changed the axle and I havnt tested this one yet  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

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well I did race today and cant say I enjoyed it despite going the quickest I ever have up there at 59.25, there was 32 Prokarts on the same grid and I spent most the day backing off for them  :arse: pretty sure there is a mid 58 round there but today wasnt the day for it, new tyres are obviously the answer though  :cool:  :cool:

bad luck to dippy dunno what went on with your engine or the Logs :suspect:  :suspect:  Log was going very well , dont think there is a lot between us now we both on fresh tyres, ( obviously im slightly quicker   :p  :p  :p )

Dan had a s***e day on the tkm again but looking at the results he needs to find 1.2seconds to be at the front of middle of the pack , Im pretty sure now its down to track time and he is going to have to be shown the lines..  ???  ???

Congrats to Ben,  some good races today and 3rd in the cadets is impressive  and think thats as good as you could have done looking at the rest of the field , well done  :t-up::t-up: Ps. Ryan will be joining you next time in the cadet race, thats my last race up there will be concentrating on both of them from now  :oops:

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May not have racing :(. Hve not wasted my day, have rebiult engines & they sound very strong :D  :D started first pull. Will wait for posts to see how today went.
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Agree with Coops today. Qualified well,9th 1 second quicker that JC and AJ. 1st race got up to 5th, got bunched off track then engine blew up.

2nd race, spare engine, started at back got up to 20th got buncehed off again and then got up to 17th, now getting sick of the constant carnage, 3rd race same again overtake 10 karts get knocked off again, get up to 15th and call it a day, kart was great tho.

Time for a rethink. ROTAX me thinks!!!

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ROTAX me thinks!!!

Nooooooooooooooooo! We've been there before haven't we, and it looks like your turning some real good pace in the WF now, why throw all that away!

b****r about the engines, dont seem to have any joy with those. Makes me worry about mine not having a rebuild in 4 and 1/2 years! :0

Well done Ben lad, keeps going from strength to strength. When can we start investing stocks and shares in Ben Thompson racing! :D  :D  :D

I wouldn't say dan did 's***e', he keeps knocking off seconds by the sounds of things so he should be battling somewhere in the mid field within the next two meetings. Last time I saw him he was a mile off so it must be progress! :t-up:

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Qualified well,9th 1 second quicker that JC and AJ.

0.4 quicker than me and 1.5 secs quicker than dippy  to be accurate  ;) well done to you though dunno where you found the space to do it   :bangshead: qualifying was a joke to be fair, me and dippy kept hanging back trying to get a flying lap in but it never happened for either of us :arse: with 36 karts all fighting for a bit of tarmac it was gonna be hard, they really should have split it into 2 groups  ???

Think I will give w/law a miss but stick with Wf and  just do Teeside sprints and the rest of the time just focus on getting  the kids up to speed   :zzz:  :zzz:

was running about like a blue arsed fly today , drove like a hero for 10min qualiying then straight into a 10min race, finish race then run right down the other end  of the pdock (could we have parked any further away  :arse:  )to push Dans kart halfway round the track to get it to start  :bangshead:  :bangshead: thought I was gonna have a cardiac arrest  at one point  :down:  :down:

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