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This'll be you Bob?  :D

Nah, I had discs on the front and wore white socks.   :D    :D

How 'bout this one then, he has white socks I think,....or pale legs!  :laugh:


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This'll be you Bob?  :D

Nah, I had discs on the front and wore white socks.   :D    :D

How 'bout this one then, he has white socks I think,....or pale legs!  :laugh:


:D    :D    :D    :D

Closer....... getting closer.   :D

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shame that Pete   :(  how about the captain doing a race instead  :oops:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:
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shame that Pete   :(  how about the captain doing a race instead  :oops:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

Aye, would make a refreshing change for me to be doing the monkey work! :D  :laugh:  :laugh:

Got me nice new race suit, gloves and boots, should try them out really....

Might get the almera round teesside! :laugh:

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surely the perfect opportunity to try it out  :oops:  sure david would take £25 for the race if we bent his ear a bit  ;)
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Must Congratulate Mr C on his victory today, well done :t-up:  :t-up: Very happy with how my kart went all done but badly let down by grip in the race, will save tyres for race instead of wearing them out in practice next time :mad:  :mad: stupid boy.

Great day had by all I think, Aaron took well to the world formula too.

Big well done to Eddy too getting a 50.04 in the camel was very good :p  :p


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aye that was a roll reversal in the race, mine was s***e all day when yours was flying ,I  couldnt get put a time in and mucked on with all sorts to no advantage, put Petes rear tyres on and took .9 second out my all time best  :t-up:  :t-up:

dunno how that other Wf goes so well though , passed me like a rotax  :0  :0  :0  :0  think im ready for an engine refresh  :oops:  ???

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Thoroughly enjoyed myself watching the racing tonight, twas a good laugh. Well done to all. :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

Two more pots for the cooper household, be filling that extension up nicely now! :t-up:  :cool:  :)

The pace looked horrendously quick tonight I would say, must have been some half decent grip out there. The guy in the red WF reckoned his kart had never gone so good, and it showed, JESUS CHRIST!!!! :0  :0  :0  :0

Dont understand the speed in that kart, he reckons the chassis is ancient (it looks it) and he bought it off ebay for £150! Respect to the driver I think. :t-up:

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Yes Ryan is over the moon with his 1st place pot  :t-up:  :t-up: wish I could have seen a bit more of his race but Ive swapped 12,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sprockets today and missed the action  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

little bit of his race I was watching he had me ill as they were side by side throwing it into the  first corner, was sure they were going to take each other off  :0  :0  :0

Pete you need to do the next one  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Yes Ryan is over the moon with his 1st place pot  :t-up:  :t-up: wish I could have seen a bit more of his race but Ive swapped 12,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sprockets today and missed the action  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

little bit of his race I was watching he had me ill as they were side by side throwing it into the  first corner, was sure they were going to take each other off  :0  :0  :0

Pete you need to do the next one  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

I honestly cant afford it at the moment, I really want to get the kart out again but I've still got things to buy for the NSSCC and dont want to eat too much into my 'crash' budget. Got cadwell on Friday too, more expense, woohoo! :(

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well after a restless night wondering how on earth I got outpaced by another w/f,  :p it came to me at around 4.30am  :blush:  :arse:  :bangshead:  :durr:  In conversation when speaking to his Dad im sure he mentioned he was running kartline tyres on the front  ???  ???  nothing in the regs about w/fs running kartlines either  :oops:
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well after a restless night wondering how on earth I got outpaced by another w/f,   it came to me at around 4.30am

That sounds like a case of karting stress to me.  :oops:  :oops:

Well done to clan Cooper, enjoyed the action.  :cool:

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Yes, I will not be making the tyre mistake again, little bit diflated this morning after my performance all day, to let it go that in the race was stupid :(  I will use it all to learn from.

Cannot take the victory away from you, deserved :cool:

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yes team Swiss eventually had a good day  :t-up:

are we decking today Log  ???

That sounds like a case of karting stress to me.

Had b****y nightmares about   :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :laugh:


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Under orders to do "stuff" with Mrs Log today as a thankyou for running the yard yesterday(and earning me money to play with) but I will bring joists up on wagon if you want and you attempt it, other than that we can get it done tommorrow.
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