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well, gearbox changed today, mainly down the caps hard graft mind! :zzz:  :blush:

Poor blokes 57 and I've kicked him under me civic, I always seem to come back blacker though! I must attract oil and grease! :suspect:

Well the old cap mentioned some of the karting crew were racing tonight, didn't realise, any pots gents? :t-up:

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in a word

Prokart for sale, going back to world formula  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

b****r! :(

How did the boy get on? Was he entered?

Was ben racing as well?

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yeh but he was only tkm, he was in with us, got pole . three 1sts then got knocked off on final  :arse:

Ryan much improved, got down to a 53  :t-up:

Ben won every race  :t-up:  :t-up:

struggling with grip on my prokart,just keep comparing it the monza and it aint even close  :bangshead:

sods law there was 2 other very fast w/formulas there tonight lapping in low 49s  :oops: would have loved to be among them instead of the back of the pac k  :arse:  qualifying me chain came off, didnt manage any better than a 53  :arse: and think 52 was quickest of the night  :arse: fiddles a bit to improve it then chain snapped and end of the night for me  :bangshead:

Warden Law 2mrw, just Dan racing now though  :t-up:  :t-up:

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up at 6 this morn  :bangshead: prepared ebay ad for Prokart  :oops:  :D

waited till 7 then got log up  :blush:  :sheep:

prokart stripped and seat /alfarno swapped onto World formula ready to race  :t-up: , just got boy out of bed and now on route to W/law  , just hope we have better day than yesterday  :oops:

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up at 6 this morn  :bangshead:

Mornin'  :)   Did the W/F's beat the Pro's yesterday?  ???

wfs yesterday were league of there own, nailed the pro"s.

see ammended post  above  :D

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Pete chuck your kart on the trailer and get yourself up  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:
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Jeff you baffoon!!!! :p

You've taken a pro-kart to teesside where the world formula's are usually quickest, and now your taking a world formula to warden law where the pro-karts are usually quickest! :sheep:  :durr:

Good luck dan, hopefully you can start mixing it with the mid table today and work your way up.

Well done ben lad, a clean sweep, thats in true pugwash tradition! :t-up:  :)  :laugh:

I think were off to bells today, no, not to drop the civic off :p , on the hunt for some longer studs then might be able to get the front end all back together!

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Funny old day JC... :D  :D Summarised by this pic I think..  :bangshead:  :bangshead:


But the last race looked good from the sidelines!  :cool:




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does this piccie look like the boy is too low in his seat and too close to the wheel ??? I set the seat in this position so Ryan could drive it also but never set it back , what effect would raising the seat have and moving it backwards  ???  ???  ???


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You not wishing Mrs Swiss Jeff happy birthday like coops?  :p
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