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I think what harv is trying to say is you cant possibly say what definitly will and wont work, it all depends on the day. I've raised pressures and gone quicker in the past, yet today I went slower, dropped  them and went faster.

I guess a good karter can read the kart well and know which way to go on the setup. I just took a stab in the dark on the pressures.

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you got it pete ....

thats exactly it .

so Harv ... in short... from my in depth description of my woes :D  could i be barking up the right tree and a differnt strength of axle possibley upset a karts grip like what im suggesting  ???  ???

Like all my woes (westfield/westfield/westfield/westfield then caterham) they are never straight forward and I always make them worse before I make them better  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

edited to say..I fitted brand new tyres to make sure that wasnt the problem and on new tyres bogging was a lot worse  :(

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But we allready know you are the "daddy" Pete ;)  ;) LEAVE IT ALONE, let us catch up :D

Dippy was the daddy today, couldn't get near the fecker, obviously had 3 biscuits and a pint of milk last night as well as 4 dippy eggs this morning!

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aye Dippy was indeed flying today , he even managed to send 2 texts per lap to tell his girlfriend he was missing her and still put in a quick time  :oops:  :p  :p
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sorry I didn't get today my little un wasn't too well

as for tyres  ...  Jeff and Bob you owe me an apology ,you both told me my tyres were crap when you first saw them and then gone and bought your own  ;)  :laugh:

got to admit this is all getting a bit serious for me, I am bringing our Beth and the Mrs as well when the weather gets better for a fun day out .

By then you lot will have tyre warmers and a pit crew :p  :devil:  :laugh:

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:blush:  :blush:

ps Mark can you explain how the westy in your signiture is left hand drive and the exhaust is exiting the wrong side for a megablade  ???  ???

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:blush:  :blush:

ps Mark can you explain how the westy in your signiture is left hand drive and the exhaust is exiting the wrong side for a megablade  ???  ???

he has a passenger in, you just carnt see mark for the aeroscreen

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:blush:  :blush:

ps Mark can you explain how the westy in your signiture is left hand drive and the exhaust is exiting the wrong side for a megablade  ???  ???

he has a passenger in, you just carnt see mark for the aeroscreen

That's quite funny Oggy

for you  :p

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:blush:  :blush:

ps Mark can you explain how the westy in your signiture is left hand drive and the exhaust is exiting the wrong side for a megablade  ???  ???

yes I can explain that ... well it's like this .. er . hm

Pete give me a ring  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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jeff your fresh rubber bought back grip , that alone will chnge the setup .

you need to tune a chassis to the conditions of the track and the tyres on a session by session basis , during a race we adjust driving style position of hands on wheel etc as the chassis and tyres come on , the fact a chassis is so light and so sensitive means the smallest change can make a big difference .

only ever change 1 thing at a time .

and write every thing down .....

you can't set a kart up and use it week in week out without changing it and expect it to be the same .

if you want to do that you need to stop looking at lap times ..... as thats what your changing , and at the moment the temps mean we are about 2 seconds off summer times on fresh rubber.

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Oh my aching back! I feel well beaten up this morning. ???  ???  Had a couple of good kerb bouncers I reckon.. :oops:  :oops:

My two pence:

you can't set a kart up and use it week in week out without changing it and expect it to be the same .

if you want to do that you need to stop looking at lap times ..... as thats what your changing , and at the moment the temps mean we are about 2 seconds off summer times on fresh rubber.

What Harv's saying there is what I've been trying to tell Pete, the kart is never the same two times in a row. Tyres will have degraded, weather conditions constantly changing this time of year, but so what!

    At the level we're doing this at, it doesnt matter. We're all on about the same pace now, so all we need to do is get on and drive them. You know, have some FUN!  :D  :D  The little chase I had with Pete and Bob does it for me, sod the times!  :cool:  :cool:  I thought your kart was really good Jeff, wouldn't change a thing!  :t-up:  :t-up:  :D  :D

FUN FUN FUN all the way!


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captain seeing as though you drive it so well why dont you save me the hassle of setting it up for my driving style  :mad:  just drop me a cheque in and you can have it   :t-up: will even deliver it free of charge  :oops:  

old swiss gets attached to nothing  watch out children :oops:

the boys tonykart/ world formula is also going on ebay this week  too :t-up:  :t-up:

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