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To be fair, AJ's pro kart was handling very well and it was on "hard" second hand vegas, SL8's. The briggies Dan was on were super soft, you do not need any more help Pilot :0  :0

Aye, somewhat deflated now, thought I'd be able to knock a second off me time with some nice new shiny bits, probably not then :down: . Knowing what tyre's can do, all that karts performance could well be down to the supersofts! :down: ****** hell! Will have to see what it goes like with the proper rubber on before I open me wallet, I'm sure it'll still be good, just not 48.5 good unfortunately! :(

Oh ****** hell! I'm gutted! :(  :bangshead:  :down:

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Stop beating yourself up boy :angry:  :angry: all things equall your the Daddy :)  :)

Thought I had a second though, A SECOND!!!! :0  :0  :0

You and dip were going well today, should be real good crack in the races! :t-up:

Team bishop auckland could hold the 1st 3 rows! :laugh:

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the boys kart is supposed to very good in the wet, the blue birel we have is supposedly better in the dry and the difference between the 2 karts is the boys has wide fronts and the blue one has short front hubs  ???  :suspect:

I thought the boys birel drove just like yours just with more grip , but when i got in it it wouldnt pull down the straights, with the quantity of lead bolted to it with me wouldnt graft  :( I wouldnt mess with yours Pete, Im weighted right and on the right tyres and your kart was over 1/2 second quicker than mine today as it was the other day, im just hoping i can get that 1/2 second back with an axle swap  :(

failing that will unbolt the weight from the boys and use his  :laugh:

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still has far too much grip at the rear widening the rears helps but not enuf  

Widening the rear will only give you more rear end grip.

To get rid of your karts understeer, you need to widen the front and narrow the rears in. I'm sure I've told you this before ???

Also, it must of been cold today, did you pump the tyres up more ???

not with my kart it doesnt  ???  ???

move the rears in and it increases grip and bogs down, widen them and it improves  ???  ???

In truth thats possible, as it's all to do with reducing ground contact of the inside rear tyre, but something else is wrong then, seat position maybe ???

But I know you all lean into a corner like you would as if your driving a car, this is wrong ;) you need to lean away from the corner thus encourage the inside rear wheel to loose ground contact.

Or, widen the front then ;)

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Team bishop auckland could hold the 1st 3 rows! :laugh:

Dont count your chickens just yet Pilot ;)

With those time i might need a third engine just to keep up  :blush:  :down:

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Team bishop auckland could hold the 1st 3 rows! :laugh:

Dont count your chickens just yet Pilot ;)

Bring it on slipp! Can you enter your kart in the same race as us? :oops:

Aye, wont do owt until I see what the birel does on the proper tyre's. Close thing  though, I nearly bought the hubs but luckily the bath became free so I had a bath instead! :D   :laugh:  :laugh:  :D

Do you know exactly which tyre's its on, just to try and make an educated guess of where it is?

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still has far too much grip at the rear widening the rears helps but not enuf  

Widening the rear will only give you more rear end grip.

To get rid of your karts understeer, you need to widen the front and narrow the rears in. I'm sure I've told you this before ???

Also, it must of been cold today, did you pump the tyres up more ???

not with my kart it doesnt  ???  ???

move the rears in and it increases grip and bogs down, widen them and it improves  ???  ???

In truth thats possible, as it's all to do with reducing ground contact of the inside rear tyre, but something else is wrong then, seat position maybe ???

But I know you all lean into a corner like you would as if your driving a car, this is wrong ;) you need to lean away from the corner thus encourage the inside rear wheel to loose ground contact.

Or, widen the front then ;)

If I widen the front the understeer is reduced but rear bogging is much worse  :bangshead:  :bangshead: Ive started leaning away from the corner but find it hard to do  :durr:  :durr:

kart was spot on till i bent/ changed the rear axle and I fitted a medium 50mm, Im thinking now my original axle must have been a soft, im getting it straightened this week so kart will be back to how it was and fingers crossed i can then get back up to pace  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Do you know exactly which tyre's its on, just to try and make an educated guess of where it is?

Brigstone YGB's, they are not for world form but by gum they are good :D  :D

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Team bishop auckland could hold the 1st 3 rows! :laugh:

Dont count your chickens just yet Pilot ;)

With those time i might need a third engine just to keep up  :blush:  :down:

warden Law for you then , or just change your sprockets and give us a lesson  ;)

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Do you know exactly which tyre's its on, just to try and make an educated guess of where it is?

Brigstone YGB's, they are not for world form but by gum they are good :D  :D

from a quick google a ygb isnt actually classed as a soft tyre , yga is the super sticky  :suspect:  :suspect:  :suspect:  

think its what Mark is running on also  :suspect:  :suspect:

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Do you know exactly which tyre's its on, just to try and make an educated guess of where it is?

Brigstone YGB's, they are not for world form but by gum they are good :D  :D

Presume you mean YKB's or YJB, cant find a YGB on bridgy's site.


Found YGB's on karting direct but dont sell'em anymore so must be discontinued.

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From what I read of what you write a softer axle is gunner give you more rear end grip :p Surely you mean hard axle ???

I hope your not really gunner straighten the rear axle :bangshead:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: Who does that then Paul Daniels ???  :p

You can straighten a solid axle but not a hollow one ;) Anyone tells you different he's talking  :arse:

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