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glad i actually walked away from it ..... racing i expect things like that to happen ... not testing , and the first time i knew he was there was when he punted me .....

also there was a biland there today out with the seniors ...... i recon they should stick to lawnmowers with 4 strokes  :D

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couple of good lines from the boy there  :arse:  :arse:

just spoke to Jeff he was down at tinside with his kids today, charged him £40 per kart and extra £5 for each driver  :arse:  :arse:  this is gonna end up a lot more expensive than last year  :down:  :down:  :arse:

Best print off that receipt! :oops:

So, show of hands who's tracking tomorrow? :suspect:

Its about time wee mark made a re-appearance!

I will not be there  :down:


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glad i actually walked away from it ..... racing i expect things like that to happen ... not testing , and the first time i knew he was there was when he punted me .....

also there was a biland there today out with the seniors ...... i recon they should stick to lawnmowers with 4 strokes  :D

aye they lack the outright pace of the rotax"s but they make up on sound  :love: and them swiss auto things are something else  :love:  :love:

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i give up ...... they sound like a soggy fart on tuesday !!! .... seriously you think they sound better than a screaming 2 stroke .

yep  :cool:  :cool: there was something racing last weekend and it sounded like a ducatti  :love:  :love:

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OK guys where the heck are you karting tomorrow

we really need to sort things out a week in advance so I can get my head round where we are going  :mad:  ???

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OK guys where the heck are you karting tomorrow

we really need to sort things out a week in advance so I can get my head round where we are going  :mad:  ???

Down the narnteen at tinside. Rumour has it pinky and perky have bought themselves a kart too! :cool:

BTW, starts 10am, so dont need to be up so early! :t-up:

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not karting but will be there to tell you where your going wrong  :arse:  :p  :D

Spoil sport! :p

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gates open at narn o clock Pete we will be there just after   ;)  :t-up:  :t-up:
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Might be worth going up to warden law 1st sunday of month as owner driver testing is on 8am till 2. £25 none members and £20 for members. Membership £50.

Maximum owner driver price £25. Could be less depending how many bookings they have.

Prefer Warden law me self.

checked gearing on mine and i'm running 20tooth front when i've recounted  :bangshead: thought i was running a 19. So when i was on 20/74 i couldn't keep up and the same when i was on 20/77. Ross was running 19/75 i think and he was flying. (my driving is part of it and my lack of time in kart compared to others) Guess what i'm trying to work out is if i get the ratio of my gearing the same as ross's using my 20 tooth. would there be any differance in pick up etc

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Might be worth going up to warden law 1st sunday of month as owner driver testing is on 8am till 2. £25 none members and £20 for members. Membership £50.

Maximum owner driver price £25. Could be less depending how many bookings they have.

Prefer Warden law me self.

checked gearing on mine and i'm running 20tooth front when i've recounted  :bangshead: thought i was running a 19. So when i was on 20/74 i couldn't keep up and the same when i was on 20/77. Ross was running 19/75 i think and he was flying. (my driving is part of it and my lack of time in kart compared to others) Guess what i'm trying to work out is if i get the ratio of my gearing the same as ross's using my 20 tooth. would there be any differance in pick up etc

Scott to be on roughly the same ratio as what i am on you need to be on 79 which will be the closest to what i am on.

Currently you should have more top end than me. :t-up:


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Good and bad day today, 1st off the bad news. The kart handled like a brick. I did knock a 49.6 out of it but couldn't consistently hit 49's all the time like last week, a race winning kart this week it was not!

I think the limiting factor I've hit is the back axle, when I got the front end working the back end wouldn't work. What I should have done is knocked the hubs in a bit to get a bit of grip, but I didn't have the knackers too as its been fine up until now.

On the plus side, had some good scraps with everyone today, had a really good session with me dad on jeff's kart and bob in dippy's kart, was a right good laugh!

However, star of the day has to be dans new birel!!!

Fook me that handles, I am inspired and am on ebay as we speak! :D

I did a 48.5 (I think it was a .57 iirc) which if I'm comparing to what I've done previously is unreal! The fastest I've got in mine is bang on the same I think at 48.57 but thats with no weight and without the back chicane! I also struggled to drive it as I didn't fit in the damn thing but I came off track with a huge grin!!!!

I think if I can get mine and jeff get his monza handling like that, were gonna clean up in the races!!! :0

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Must say I had preeety much the same start, the biland IS NOT the answer, sore ribs, so into the trailor and onto Jeff's World Form, fantastic, on the pace right away and good battles but must say when I got on AJ's pro kart that was it. Had a craking battle with Jeff, then the captain and the last one with Pete and the Captain, consistant at 50.4 but could not get neer AJ's 48.6 big smiles all afternoon. Not so quick Pete, I will be on a Birrel next week so we ALL might clean up.

Just to finish, a lovely pork dinner when I got in too. Yum Yum :D  :D  :D  :D

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Yup, good day!  :)   Thanks to Bob for the quick shot on the Biland.  :oops:   and Jeff for the go in his kart at the end of the day, really good scrap that! Of course none of it is on our camera.  :(   It ran out of tape much earlier. The only half decent bit of footage is  Bob on JC's kart, chasing (I think) me.  :t-up:

Didn't take many pics, but here's a few:

Team Birel...








:t-up:  :t-up:

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