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Dwindling speed series entrants


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will be here again for 2008, and I do plan on doing more rounds

That's top news Richard  :D  :D  :D  ;) don't worry or fret about what anyone says or does to their car  ;)  ;)  ;)  :D just concentrate on yourself and what you enjoy and beating your own times - if you focus on your own self improvement I'm sure you will surprise yourself in how you might just move up the results table  ;)  ;)

Work with and utilise the rules of whatever championship you enter rather than trying to find a way to change them to suit your personal circumstance and preference ;)  ;) But most of all enjoy it  ;) if it ain't fun winning or not then its gonna be a chore  ;)

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Oops, yep agree it did come across like that.. no I love it... I guess I'm just worried because lots of people who have similar cars to mine have hinted that they're going to upgrade/ do something else and my suggestion might tempt them not to do it....

Again I want to reiterate that I don't blame my lack of results on the car... it is 90% driver skiller related!

Richard my car has not had the rocker cover off since 1997, last years upgrade was a set of front shockers, this winter upgrade is a new petrol filler cap so don't worry about what others are doing. (or take much notice of who says what especially on here, there are more wind up merchants on this forum than you can shake a stick at)  If it's any help this season I concentrated more on having some fun and doing some new events and I went quicker than last year everywhere, I think I was trying too hard last year and over driving the thing. This year I felt more relaxed and went quicker, not quick enough to beat the loud one or the lofty one but had some cracking competition with Stuart and Fordy and Mid Life all of us on x-flows.

As for driving ability I seem to recall you did alright at Wiscombe last year on your only timed run especially after running to the top of the hill and back  for parts when the engine died just before the first run. Did not get a chance to talk at Curborough don't really know why but hope to see you around in 2008.

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I think this sort of debate is healthy to have... it actually strengthens the series if we can discuss this sort of thing every now and again so that the general consensus is observed.

Again I want to reiterate that I don't blame my lack of results on the car... it is 90% driver skiller related!

Hi Richard,

That's why I sen the e-mail in the first place, to get the repsonse and consider what we do for the 2008 series. It is interesting that this post pretty much echo's what I received in e-mails. So nice to see that the original e-mail response was about right and I should be able to rely on it in the future.

Best of luck with whatever series/events you do in 2008, the one aspect of lower power that is worth mentioning is it feels GREAT when you beat a car with more power than you. :D:D:D I did that with a 230BHP car against a 700 BHP car in the British Sprint this year in the whole Championship, that's only 3 times the power !! So get some training and drive harder, you will really enjoy beating the more powerful cars !!

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It doesn't matter what car you have or which bits you have fitted. What does matter is whether you are trying to improve your own performance and times or to beat the opposition and win.

I shall be entering the speed series again in 2008, still in class B, my fourth year in the series having never won my class (except when I was the only entrant!).

The enjoyment is still there from my first event at Harewood, and has not wayned one bit. I do not have the money to buy the 'best' equipment or to be able to enter as many events as I would like but no matter! I have never been put down because of my driving ability which means that I provide a supporting role, indeed I have been gratefull for all the advice I have been given over the years to make me a little faster than I was on my last visit to that venue.

Of course, I am so lucky to have the support of my wife Rosie who oversees my needs on and off the track, it's the number one accessory that anyone who enters the Speed Series should have, a supportive partner!

Rant over! The most important:- ENJOY even when you lose!!

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do it for the enjoyment  :oops: thats what its about  :t-up: see you next year  :oops:
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...give that man a medal

How well do you know the infamous Mr D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D

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Richard and Steve.

(and anyone else moving from A-C or contemplating competeing but worried about lack of power etc)

I have competed in the SS for 5 years now with a x/flow and have had a fantastic time doing so. You do not have to spend £1000s on power and upgradeing to enjoy you days motorsport.

In fact I think it can be more satisfing (as Nick A mentioned) beating more powerfull cars.

Perhaps if your sole intent is to win a championship class then you will have to spend more money , but if you do ,and you still dont win you only have yourself to blame whereas if you run a low spec car you can always blame it!

You mention moving to other championships but surely they are just the same. If i recall at Loton this year the HSA ran with us ,There was a 180bhp striker ,and a 190bhp caterham in the same class as us so how is that any better?

The structure of the SS does split the cars up fairly well and  introducing a low power class would only be relavent to the SS and would not make any difference to 'on the day ' results.

Richard I am sure that you will be able to make improvement to your car and with more experience you will be more competetive .

My first goal at any event is (weather permitting ) is to improve my PB at that venue. this can be achieved regardless of power /spec.

For me the best part of the SS is to meet and compete with other like minded people and just to get away from daily routine.So if you dont want to upgrade you car then dont i am sure you will have just as much fun as someone who has spent £1000s doing so.

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The only hreason the HSA was attractive was because Rob and Colin Way were there in a similar powered car...  again, it is nowhere near as attractive for next season since they've now gone the single seater route.

Great news on Gurston being added for 2008.... great little course.

Maybe I was wrong to suggest the change...  but don't we want to encourage people to take an active role and make suggestions... even if the suggestion proves not to be considered that great by most people?

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Great news on Gurston being added for 2008.... great little course.

Maybe I was wrong to suggest the change...  but don't we want to encourage people to take an active role and make suggestions... even if the suggestion proves not to be considered that great by most people?

1) So we can look forward to you competing in the Speed Series again in 2008 :D:D

2) You are right to take an active role, just don't get upset when the majority go against you.

As organisers we are never going to please all of the people all of the time, so have to make some compromises. As long as people understand that then great :D:D:D

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As organisers we are never going to please all of the people all of the time, so have to make some compromises. As long as people understand that then great :D:D:D

How about a nice Micra only class then mate ?  That would be a great compromise !

I'll even let you double drive / car swap  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

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How about a nice Micra only class then mate ?  That would be a great compromise !

I'll even let you double drive / car swap  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

Not sure he could cope with the power Rob, Nick is only used to bike engines you know :p  :p

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How about a nice Micra only class then mate ?  That would be a great compromise !

I'll even let you double drive / car swap  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

Not sure he could cope with the power Rob, Nick is only used to bike engines you know :p  :p

Not sure I could cope with all that "torque" or was that "talk" :D:D:D

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How about a nice Micra only class then mate ?  That would be a great compromise !

I'll even let you double drive / car swap  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

Not sure he could cope with the power Rob, Nick is only used to bike engines you know :p  :p

Not sure I could cope with all that "torque" or was that "talk" :D:D:D


Thats lucky, not surer how much I would have to cut off to get in yours  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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