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Just Testing Signature


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Look what you've started  :zzz:

We're gonna get loads of graphics and photos being posted - its our own gallery.

who's the artist ?  :t-up:

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And rhyming couplets - is there no end to this mans talents.

Tech speak, photos and light entertainment what more can anyone ask for - and before you do ask for it, don't.  :t-up: there's beer to be drunk.

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I could tell you but then I'd have to ...........

But then again nobody likes a smart A*** so I'll spill the beans. Ironically, I cannot tell you here as to show you would not work as the operation would be activated!

I will draw up a list of commands and post them in a manner that will allow them to be viewed without them actually carrying out the commands!

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There is always one and this time its me! Oh dear I am not sure if this is good or bad?

See my next posting for my own rules!

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The key to adding these extra 'features' is to use HTML (HyperText Mark-up Language) commands such as those that are used in the development of a web site.

The nice thing about this is that the 'overhead' on the BBS server is minimal as it does not have to store the actual photograph or other data, it simply displays the files that are stored on someone elses server. The BBS does this by 'pointing' your browser at that other server. This, of course, pre-supposes that you have your own web site on which to store the items that you want to display in your BBS postings.

It is a privilege to be allowed to do this on this BBS, not all BBS Webmasters will allow you to make use of this feature so it should be used prudently. Be warned - abuse it ...lose it! (Note for Mark Stanton - there I go again, a rhyme every time!). Do not display huge photographs in your signature line, not because they take up 'space' but because they do take up bandwidth which if used to extreme will slow things down. Also, chose your images wisely as the wrong type of image will certainly lose you the right to use the BBS in the future. Here endeth the first ........

How to do it? To allow you to see the code used rather than it just activating, I have had to use asterisks (*) instead of the real code!

Example 1, To insert a hypertext link to a specific page on another web site:-

type the following but change the asterisks * to open and close square brackets []

*URL=http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/oakwood_data/carproj.htm*Visit my Build Site*/URL*

Example 2, To insert a hypertext link to a specific picture on another web site:-

type the following but change the asterisks * to greater than/less than signs <>

*image src="http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/oakwood_data/carline2.jpg"*

Other features can be found by clicking on the 'iB Code' hyperlink at the bottom of the posting screen when you are composing a new post.


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