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Mr Pritchard

cast iron

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Looking at the Croft Entry Mr P is down for A thought he was an expert after his class A win at Shelsley last year  ???  ???

Come on, join the big boys  :D  :p

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Afternoon Mark

They changed the rules so you need 2 wins it's in the regs.

So Mr pritchard got his wish and can have it all to himself an A


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Hi Mark will probably join you guys in "C" next year.  :oops:  I have left the car exactly as was last year, so will be interesting to see how my times compare having driven all the tracks before (with the exception of Goodwood).  ;)  Any idea how many people have registered for "A" this year  ???  ???

See ya on Monday

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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Afternoon Mark

They changed the rules so you need 2 wins it's in the regs.

So Mr pritchard got his wish and can have it all to himself an A


They changed the rules last year?? ???

I only had 15 wins last year  :D  :D  :D  cant I stay in A  :D  :D

What class are you in then Rob

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Afternoon Mark

They changed the rules so you need 2 wins it's in the regs.

So Mr pritchard got his wish and can have it all to himself an A


They changed the rules last year?? ???

I only had 15 wins last year  :D  :D  :D  cant I stay in A  :D  :D

What class are you in then Rob

He's in "C"  :p  :p  :p Two wins  ???  ???  ???  ???

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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I'm glad Mark is in C this year. I had awful thought that he might throw the screen away and put on some sticky rubber and end up in class E. Thank goodness he’s in C.
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Hi Mark will probably join you guys in "C" next year.  :oops:  

Unlikely cos in order to get 2 x 17 points you'll have to win Class C twice.  :bangshead:  

They've amalgamated A & C and B & D so class AC has 32 entrants this year.

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Hi Mark will probably join you guys in "C" next year.  :oops:  

Unlikely cos in order to get 2 x 17 points you'll have to win Class C twice.  :bangshead:  

They've amalgamated A & C and B & D so class AC has 32 entrants this year.

Hi Martin when did that happen  ???  Does that mean there is no longer the A & B novice classes  ??? .

Edited to say:-    Yep have just read the regs and you are correct. The result of this change in the rules will mean that drivers in classes A & B will not only be competing against drivers in their own class, but also those running in C & D. Thefore as a class A driver the points awarded at each event may be determined by the number of class C cars entered and not the individual performance of the class A driver competeing in their own class. I  was under the impression classes A & B where to encourage novice drivers in road going cars, without the need to spend large sums of money on upgrades (which is the norm in C) and to enjoy competitive motorsport. Clearly now as a competitor in A I have little control over the championship points I can achieve unless I enter every event in the series. Therefore  Martin I will need to get in touch with the organisers of the events I have allready entered, and withdraw before I waste any more money.

:D  :D  :D  :D

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Hi Mark will probably join you guys in "C" next year.  :oops:  

Unlikely cos in order to get 2 x 17 points you'll have to win Class C twice.  :bangshead:  

They've amalgamated A & C and B & D so class AC has 32 entrants this year.

Hi Martin when did that happen  ???  Does that mean there is no longer the A & C novice classes  ??? .

Nothing to do with me I was not at the meeting when the decision was made.  As the Class A Rep I argued before the meeting that the there be no change to Classes, my survey of Class A drivers (and some Class C drivers) showed that was what they wanted.  

You're right of course how many points you score in Class A will depend on whether Messer’s Louden, Nunn, Leybourne etc are entered and there will be no 1 point differential between 1st and 2nd in A.  If you want to win the "Novice Championship" enter one of the classes that's not so well supported (E & F?).  

We can chat at Croft and I'll try to I'll explain it how it’s intended to work.

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Novice Classes A and B still exist and will still have awards  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  :D thats why they am listed in the regs  ;)  ;)  :D and are still specifically aimed at the novice and those on a budget  ;)  ;) There's loads of trophies to fight for  ;)  ;)  ;)  :D

Over 50 awards at last evening and probably a similar number at next years  ;)  ;)  :D

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Really Mark  ???  ???  ???  So can you explain why A & B drivers, unlike any other class will be unable to gain 17 points for winning their class on the day. The points awarded to these drivers will be a lottery dependant on how much slower they are than the C or D class winner. How can anybody plan a seasons motorsport when you have no control over your results.   :down:  :down:

:angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Edited to add:-      :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

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So if you are in A and come 3rd against 2 class C cars with another class A driver in 4th you will get the most novice points to count to end of season Novice award, what it does is prevent a novice amongst novices winning overall. However if you are a very quick novice and beat class C for example then you can justifiably win 17 points and have a shot at overall honours, seems quite fair to me.
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Dunno - I don't work out points  :D  :D  :D  I do enough maffs at work without counting more numbers at weekends  :D  :D  :D  :D
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So if you are in A and come 3rd against 2 class C cars with another class A driver in 4th you will get the most novice points to count to end of season Novice award, what it does is prevent a novice amongst novices winning overall. However if you are a very quick novice and beat class C for example then you can justifiably win 17 points and have a shot at overall honours, seems quite fair to me.

So if I compete and win in the novice class on short tracks only, the time difference will  be small, therefore I earn more points than someone who wins A or B competing on a long track, where the time differential will be greater.  Yea that sounds fair.  Still had no explanation why A & B have been singled out to be awarded points in a different  way to the rest of the classes.  If I was synical I would suspect it is a way of ensuring a novice had no chance of overall honers in the speed series and prevent others from replicating your performance last year.

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Steve - Its a way of ensuring a slow novice has no chance of beating a faster person in a similar car in C or D which in the past has been unfair on the competitors in C & D. As I said if a novice is faster than the chaps in C or D then justifiably you get the points and a crack at overall honours. but by retaining an A and B class there is still a novice award to be fought for

And with the circuit length situation, thats the same regardless of class.

Listen to me supporting the changes  :D  :D  :p  :D  :D

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