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Which class is which


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Ok so I've got the regs for Croft and I understand i'll be in class E in the SS I have a 1700 xflow with windscreen everything is road going,I would be in class A but, I'm running R888's.

But which class am I in according to the MSA?

I have read the classes in the blue book but I'm still not sure which one I fit in is it 2A? No it can't be 2A as I'm on List B tyres???

If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

If you need any more info please ask.

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You will NOT be in WSS Class A due to tyres (you need to run List 1A tyres for this class !;) You will be in class E for WSS and 3D on the day along with all others in Classes E, F, G & H.... :oops:

If you put some Toyo T1-S/R's on (or other List 1A's) then youd be in WSS class A and 2A on the day... :t-up:

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Thanks Andy, I understood the SS bit and was happy to be in E but mixing with

Classes E, F, G & H....  :oops:

and all the other bits n bobs running slicks is a bit scary. :0

That might have opened up the 1A or 1B tyre debate again, especially as i'll be doing more rounds of the Harewood championship than I will SS.  :down:  

Question for SS organisers??

Can I change my class with no financial penalty if I do it before my first event?

Why does everything end up been so difficult to sort out, wanted to run the same tyres when competing as I do on the road and I love the grip, feedback and confidence that 1B tyres give but would like the chance to be somewhere near the pack on the times when competing.

Question to myself (and any others who wish to comment)

N.b. this is my first year competing in the westfield.

Do I:-

A] Stay with my original decision, run 1B's, enjoy the runs, gain some experience and see how my times compare with those around me this year and reflect before next year.

B] Change my mind put 1A's on with a hope I will actually perform well and score some points but accept the lower performance of the tyre on the road

C] as B but buy some 1B's as well for the road, not really happy with this option as i) it costs twice as much ii) changing the feel of the car everytime

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How many events are you planning on doing?

If it were me, I'd stick on the 1Bs, get out there and enjoy yourself. Don't expect to win events in your first year.

Remember, your finish in the class on the day does not affect your points in the Speed Series.


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I've also opted for the R888 in the speed series although I won't be doing all of them.

My intentions are to get good tyres for road use and just gain a bit of experience in the speed series.

I don't expect to win any races especially being a newbie to sprinting so it's just for fun/experience and to meet other members of the WSCC.

So Choice A) sounds good to me.

If at a later stage, you think you can be competitive ,then simply change tyres to 1A's and take part in Class A.

I may be wrong but if you turn up and they think you're in the wrong class, you can change .............. Stands back waiting to get shot down in flames :0


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Remember, your finish in the class on the day does not affect your points in the Speed Series.

Sorry to sound dull Ad, but how does this work then?

Are you able to get any points if your running a standard car (normally class B) in class "F" with R888's?

Just dreaming I know but also curious!


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How many events are you planning on doing?

mmmmm? I made a list of my outings but to be fair it is optomistic and will probably be cut short by her indoors or maybe even me depends how well I keep it on the track.

On my list I have 12 dates 1 is in both SS and HC, 2 dates conflict between the two championships that leaves 3 dates in the SS and 6 in the HC

Realistically I think its more likely i'll be doing 3 in the SS and 4 in the HC.

Wife hasn't had much to say on the matter but then there are no events in January and I don't think she has looked through the rest of the calendar.  :p

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B8LL8CKS I'm sticking with 1B's i've wasted too much time worrying about it.

Thanks for your assistance chaps :t-up:

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Good man. Just get out there and enjoy it.

Being mixed in on the day with slicks etc is no problem and if you do get anywhere near their times in the dry you'll know you're doing well :D

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Realistically I think its more likely i'll be doing 3 in the SS and 4 in the HC.

If you're only doing 3 events in the Speed Series, then you're obviously not in it to win the whole series (nothing wrong with that, neither am I).

My advice then would be to take your car in whatever state you feel most comfortable, and see how you get on. I set out in my first year (last year) to enjoy myself, and ideally not to embarass myself too much. Apart from a woefully ill-prepared car for Curborough, I think I did just that, and as a result my season was (for me) a resounding success.

Winning a trophy at Ty Croes was the icing on the cake :t-up:


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Just let them know on the day that you might not be quite as quick as some of the others so you don't hold up other cars in your batch.

The first time i went to Jockhill I had a certain Mark Smith catching me up at an alarmingly quick rate in practice..... :blush:

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Good point Andy, i'll ask to be seeded last :t-up:

Most events run in number order (that's the theory at least, I think the only one that happened at in practice was Ty Croes last year). Not sure how the numbers are allocated.

It's just a matter of mentioning to whoever controls the start lights that you might not be as quick as the rest of the cars in your class. They specifically asked us to do this at the 'Newbies' briefing at Ty Croes last year.


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B8LL8CKS I'm sticking with 1B's i've wasted too much time worrying about it.

dont forget andy in E you can loose the screen and go aeroscreen too

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not that commited yet stu, need something to fasten my hood to

Whats your first event?

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