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Plays Kool reduced trading


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i like bananaman and i suspect a lot of others will be thinking what are we going to do now!!! best of luck mate in your new venture and welcome back to the building industry!        great timing, mud/snow/cold/dark/ have i convinced you to change your mind yet.

seriously paul many thanks for the help and advice and great work over the years.

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So, will your best customers be getting keys to the unit so we can make our own coffe when your at "work" then ?


Seriously though well done on the job and a huge thanks for all your help in the past.

:D  :D  :D  :D  

See you in the padock soon !

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Sorry to hear this but hope life goes well for you. Thanks for your help in the past.


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On a more important note, will my Playscool ticket get me in to the Autosport show in the morning now ? :D:D

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Oh my god......I'll have to learn  how to use my own spanners :down:  :bangshead:  :0  :0

Seriously though; my car wouldn't be here today if it wasnt for PKM. I cannot thank Paul and the rest of team PKM enough for all the work they've done for me (booked and emergency


Does that mean you could come and fix my house roof now Paul?? :oops:

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:D Looks like you can run Paul, but you can't hide!  :oops:
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sorry to here this sort of thing, dont work to hard, and catch you later,


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Oh sh*t, and I've just signed up for another year in the speed series, who's go'in to do my repairs and mod's now??!!!!

I can honestly say, I probably would not be the owner of a Westfield if it wasn't the help and advice you have provided me over the last 3 years.

And also, one thing is for sure - I would not be competing in the speed series if wasn't for your help and encouragement.

I wish you all the very best for the future.


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More money in the building trade than pikey Westfield owners   :D

Huge thanks for all your help over the last couple of years and good luck with the new game



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Sorry to hear the news Paul :down: , but you know its the best trade your going into  :D  :D  :D  :D

Thanks for all your help and advice!!!!

All the best


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ok paul you win i'll put an xe back in.

best of look stew


in fact now you'r back in the building game you can extend my garage and i'll have your old ramps   :p  :p  :p

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Am gutted to hear the news, where is my car going to go now to get fixed every other week?

Good luck Paul, as said before, if it was not for you & PKM, I would have never bought a Westfield.

Will be in touch, am sure you may have a bit of spare time to look at the car every now and again!!!!!!

Steve........... :)

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