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Plays Kool reduced trading


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Well folks, after 5 years I've finally decided I need a proper income and to get a life! So to this end I have taken a full time job back in the building industry, from whence I came.

I intend to continue supplying carbon/grp goodies & will keep the workshop for this purpose. I may even extend the product range and get the website upto date, you never know I might even have some money to build my car with, so you boys in the speed series best watch out!

This does mean however that I won't be doing the service,repair,upgrade, engine swap etc. work.  Anyone wanting advice can e-mail me for that, it's free & I think I know what I'm talking about?......then again who knows.

If you were considering using the PKM services, please give me a call or mail me as I should be able to help get you sorted with an alternative company.

I'd like to say a big thanks to all my customers, all of who I consider friends, you've kept me going for 5 years & I'm grateful.

Thanks one & all


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:( I haven't even had a chance to use your expertise yet

Best of luck Paul, word of mouth has it that there was no-one better at the repair/upgrade stuff.

Glad you'll still be doing carbon though! :D



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Thanks for your help in the past Paul and best of luck for the future
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I have taken a full time job back in the building industry
 :D  ;)  :)

Well thats good news Paul in that you'll be able to work proper hours and have some time for R&R - no doubt you'll be frequenting a paddock or two  :D  :D

You're sure to be busy enough with your goodies and supplies  :D

You ain't escaped yet  :D  ;)  :D

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All the best.  :D
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I haven't used your facilities either but I do know how hard and dispiriting a start-up business is. I and two colleagues started a company in 1989 and were working long hours at it for 12 years until we sold it off. The sale value, divided by twelve and added to what we paid ourselves didn't make the annual income anywhere near an Underground driver's wage, for example. And no pension either. There's no fortunes in that kind of hard work. Good Luck in your efforts. :0
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I fully understand your decision, at the end of the day you have to earn a decent crust.

However I think I can speak for all of us who have met you and used your services, that your customer service/help and advice is second to none. You have an excellent reputation within the club, and I think its a shame that you have had to give it up full time.

Glad to hear you will continue suppliying carbon/grp parts etc.

Dont know what else to say, but good luck for the future.


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Since when has a job inthe building trade been a "proper job" and I should know. Been in it long enough. Joking apart, Best of Luck, and thanks in the past.


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Big Thanks to Paul and the team for the work help and tons of advice that him and the tribe have given me over the years. I've learnt a lot about building prepping and general engineering over the time I have bin associated with PKM. If there is someone gonna start up a similar business in the area can they please provide quality tea/coffee facilities and a nearby chippy, accompanied by lots of p*ss taking, charm, wit and general laughing! Hwere the hell do I go fore my Friday afternoon coffee now!!

Don’t worry Paul all is not lost…There's still the P Diddy nite’s in Church Fenton :0:0

Good luck with the new job and I hope it turns out to be what you wanted

All the Best



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:devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:



:devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

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b******* :down:

Sorry to hear the news Paul. Good luck in all your future endeavours, and we look forward to seeing you out and about. Fairly sure you aren't going to escape your "customers" that easily though, so perhaps you should consider a disguise when venturing down pit lane :oops:

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What's Scott going to do for re-builds now...


PS: Good luck with the new job Paul!

He's gonna after stand up and do it himself 4 a change! Hows the TWOC'd engine coming along Scott??  :D  :D  :D

Does Ash normally take shell suits as payment!!

Buzz ;)

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