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As a new joiner I thought I'd introduce myself.

As a petrol head all my life, I've spent 20 years playing with cars and eventually worked my way up to a Caterham which I loved.  Alas I got fed up with all the traffic in Surrey and sold the 7 to fund a large motorbike.  So 20 years of being a car nut finally softened and now I'm a car and a bike nut.

Much though I love the bike, I sorely miss the joy of over steer and powering a car through a corner.

I don't want to spend too much money and Westfields look better value than a caterham.

So, are they just inferior plastic copies of the real thing :oops: Will £5k worth of Westfield be a car for me to love or will if be 2nd best to the 1700 Xflow caterham I sold for 7k?

Sorry if I have offended anybody, but now I'm a biker I need to be a bit radicle and wild - its part of the image you know  :cool:


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The less-than-£5k I spent on my xflow over a year ago has been nothing but smiles.

There are some things you may miss from a caterham like the doors that will stay 'open' when asked, as the westfield ones don't.

All I'll say is that if you compare the discussions on blatchat vs WSCC there is no comparison. WSCC wins hands down for me and the club itself is a great reason to own a westfield over a caterham, especially if you enjoy working on the car yourself rather than just taking it to somewhere and saying 'fix this' or 'make it have 200bhp' :)


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westies and caterhams are pretty similar cars, but if you buy a westie you can afford petrol and maybe the odd pint while you are out enjoying yourself :D

buy a catering van and you will be so skint you will stay in posting on baltichat about kids and limiting posts to members only!

its an easy choice! ;)  :p  :D

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Can we carry on in here now 'The Missus' has kicked us out the last joint...


*Good idea! Coffee???.........*

P.S. where's Billy Goat Gruff these days.......???

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think at times i must have met swmbo under that bridge...

she can be a grumpy old troll  :bangshead:

this is getting to sound like an episode of dora the explorer  :sheep:

wheres swiper  :D

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Well I wasn't expecting a fair and ballenced series of replies, so I'm not disappoined.

Whilst when I owned the Caterham, I did get some pleasure from the heritage of the model, I also found it rather frustrating.  Only certain mods were 'exceptable' anything else would de-value my investment.  I like tweaking cars.  I also found that most owners seemd to have tens of £k to throw at their toys rather than my tens of pounds....

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**Pours himself a 10 year Bushmills**

Mmmmm Bushmills    

I did a factory visit in June and have been enjoying the fruits of my visit...... :love:

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