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May sound stupid??????


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its just the wind, rain and snow that spoils them.

So what do you drive for the other 363 days a year? ???


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Not particularly, although it depends on how 'plush' you make it. Carpets will obviously soak up huge amounts of water for example...


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now i may be missing something but heres what i dont get: people who buy westfields (or any other 7 style for that matter) are always going to take pride in them. then why take them out in the rain and ruin the interior?

also how well do westfields stand up in rain in general? iv seen lots advertised as "dry use only". do they deteriorate quickly if they are used in rain too often?

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They don't particularly deteriorate as such.

I was caught out in my old car (carpets, sports seats etc.) plenty of times, it dried out eventually :)

My new car has no carpets, and padded race seats. This makes is a bit easier to get sorted again after being caught in the rain.

At the end of the day, a Westfield is just a car after all. A bit of water won't hurt too much...


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just a car? theyre chuffing beautiful  :love:  . id keep mine mint for as long as humanly possible (or untill i get bored of cleaning it, whatever). but i get your point
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you cant avoid getting wet..just take measures towards it .

I have been caught twice and it was not heavy but having carpets etc i dont fancy driving it in proper rain.

Luckily i have 2 other cars to use but i would like to use the Westy more... But the weather sucks so what ya gonna do


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Yes, you *could* use a Westfield with no roof as an everyday car. But don't think car, think motorbike when considering going out in bad weather. *Lots* of folk attend meetings and arrive on two wheels. A Westfield is both more confortable, and easier to stay drier in than even a BMW with a barn door fairing. The waterproof clothing you wear is the practically same wether it's car or bike though. Or you can wear waterproof colthing from your favourite outdoors shop. Blacks do some nice gear, and either way it's worth having a look about for lightweight *waterproof* jackets and trousers so that you can take them with you for those summer showers...

And yes a Westfield will stand up OK to getting wet as long as you take a bit of care. The *only* thing I do after a wet arrival is spray WD40 over suspension pick ups, rose joints, ball joints etc. A salty winter drive will require a bit more attention, but it really only takes a few minutes once you've done it a few times. As Mark Stanton has said, remove the carpets and if you have anything other than vinyl seats, take them out and fit vinyl seats instead...

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My first car (@21), bought after four months in my first job at Nationwide BS (suited & booted), was a..........RED WESTFIELD SE - and I used it thorugh the winter with only the standard WF hood.

I used to drive my Dad to work in it (6'4") looking over the windscreen! It was parked in the family garage as well over night.

Then I sold it to go racing........

You can do it.




Oioi - that picture somes up everything that a Westfield stands for. It also brings to mind the end scene of the western "Shane". Much as I like all the club related stuff, and this website is a brillaint tool & work get away :devil: , a Westfield & a clear open road blat.......

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ive taken out the carpets, drilled drain holes in the floor and fitted bare fibreglass seats.  put on waterproofs crash helmet and bobs the proverbial.  ill quite often go to work in it like that if im going somewhere afterwards.

if im going for a long blat in winter (eg skye in febuary) ill also put on some thermal long johns and thinking of investing in some heated gloves tha the bikers use.

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its just the wind, rain and snow that spoils them.

So what do you drive for the other 363 days a year? ???


The donor car. :D

Have to say after driving a Westfield I have seen the light. Mind you I have seen the price too, but now I'm older and can hopefully afford a proper seven.

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