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Hi All,

One of the points raised by WF was sping platforms needing covering?  ???

I have AVO's with a single ring which you can use a C spanner on. Any ideas?  ???

Also I have rose jointed suspension and I need to cover 'edges'. Anybody passed SVA with rosejoints?

Am I just covering EVERYTHING with rubber and gluing down with UHU plus cable ties?




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Hi Dan,

Yep. I have some of the appropriate rubber channel.

Worried about your exhaust fix though. I was planning on pointing the last bit downward after reading on the board about 'small' amount of noise absorption by the ground. I'm very close on noise: 100.4 db @ 0.5m.  :(

I'll use rubber edging on the rose joints as well.




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With regards to the noise, I got a noise meter and tested different scenarios with it.

At my first SVA test they recorded 104db, this was with the exhaust pointing down. As I though that the ground would absorb some of the sound. From a human ear point of view it may sound quieter, but looking at where the meter is positioned I can now see why it is louder.

I then tested it pointing level, and this then read 102db, I then tried pointing it up slightly and got it down to 100db. On my retest the final measurement as 99db.

So if you are worried about your noise levels, just angle it up slightly. This was all of the noise is sent out skywards, so nothing for it to bounce back off.

Hope this helps.


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Hi Dan,

Slightly up it is.




With any cable ties you use make sure the 'knuckle' bit is facing backwards iyswim  :t-up:

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With any cable ties you use make sure the 'knuckle' bit is facing backwards iyswim  

Its only the suspension they check from the front and no other direction, headlight bracket etc are not classed as part of the suspension so this would need edges covering at all angles. Paul is right in what he is saying though, the safest way is to make sure the inspector can't touch his balls on anything sharp. Its mainly common sense really.


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Hi Dan / Paul,

Fair enough.

Given the work list I got from WF I'm running short in the common sense department I think.

A bit like building a castle seven times in a swamp (Monty Python) type of common sense :)




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If you expect to fail the first test you won't be disappointed. They will then give you a list of things to sort out and the re-test is easy because you know what to expect. The SVA test is very much a lottery!

If you do a search on here there have been a few cars through the SVA test recently so you should be able to pick up on things others have failed on.


One more thing, if your speedo fails on its reading try a pulse setting of 3800. It worked for me to get it through the test. Just make a note of it encase you have any problems, they should let you have a play to get the speedo right.

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Hi Dan,

I read the board (not well obviously  :)  ), went for a pre-SVA check at WF. Then received my 'list' :(  :(  :durr:

Although if you look at cost only, a retest would probably have been a cheaper method. In fact this is definitely the way I'll do it in the future.

Sigma push bike speedo already checked out on the Aldon rollers. One of the jobs I will do is prepare a wheel rolling circumference chart just in case the SVA rollers are reading slightly different +-1%, +-2%, +-3% then I can just plug it in and hey presto......




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You should be fine then, mine is the VDO speedo.

Re-test is only £30, so as long as you pass second time it should work out cheaper than getting a pre-sva check.


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Hi Dan,

WF cost was £110 so I reckon 3 re-tests. But I don't want to fanny about with the SVA man that many times!




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