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Having chased the DVLA (Birmingham) regarding my postal application AGAIN today, they have now told me that I need to have the car inspected.

I was expecting this, but I wasn't expecting to have to take it back to the VOSA site where it was SVA'd :angry:

To make things worse I can't even drive it there :angry:  :angry:

Even the girl who I spoke to agreed that this was bl**dy stupid. Especially for what would amount to a 5 minute look at the chassis & engine No.'s.

I can apparently appeal for an inspector to visit my house, but this could take a while.

I feel a right snotty letter coming on!!

What have others done regarding this?

Does anyone have a trailer in the South Birmingham area that can borrow for a day?

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Mine has literally just been to the VOSA site (near the airport) to be inspected by the DVLA.

Poor Jeff had to drive it from Bath to Birmingham for a 10minute check :angry:

It's rediculous, the serial numbers where checked at SVA and even written on the MAC.

I spent 2.5hrs sat at the DVLA in B'ham on monday trying to get the process started.

I hope I can get the reg and tax disk tomorrow, but even the inspector had no idea if it's possible :(


Don't s'pose you had a direct number for the DVLA office, so I can call em to chase it through? ;)

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Is it possible to get the car registered the same day it passes its SVA test? Has anybody done this?

Can't you just drive to the DVLA office after the test and register it there and then, if they do need to check the car it would then be outside.


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Is it possible to get the car registered the same day it passes its SVA test? Has anybody done this?

Can't you just drive to the DVLA office after the test and register it there and then, if they do need to check the car it would then be outside.


Yes, after my car passed SVA, (in the morning) I drove home to drop the Westy off and my son drove to the DVLA in Manchester, about 2 hours later he phoned me up at work with the reg number, and I went and got the plates made up  :D  :t-up:  the only downside to the story is that it pi55ed it down for the next 3 days  :(

But all this was over 5 years ago  :)

Oh yeah, they didnt want to see the car  ;)

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Lets hope it hasn't changed much in 5 years then. :D

Just need to pass the SVA first. I should have just bought one that was on the road. :D



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On my first car I built the SVA was carried out and I drove it to the DVLA without an appointment. After sitting there for hours clutching my ticket, I had had lots of time to see how different people were treated. If you were from any ethnic group, disabled or just plain stupid, they bent over backwards to help. So when I was told it could not be done without an appointment I asked them to show me on the form where it said that as I was dyslexic and my wife had filled it in. Oh well then lets see what we can do, 2 hours later all done new reg on my way home, they could not have been more helpful even offering to write the cheque for me. (I have to add I am not dyslexic and apologise to anyone who suffers like me daughter) but if they can do this for one why not everyone.

As the Guy in birmingham today said there is only one who deals with kit cars and when they are on holiday it stops, for however long they are away.

Anyway it was a nice day so if anyone spotted a yellow Westfield on a trailer between Bristol and Birmingham it wasn't me :D  :D

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I was in a similar situation early last year.  DVLA wanted to inspect the car in Brum, but said it was illegal to drive there.

After a lot of whinging on the phone  ;)  the nice lady at the DVLA finally agreed to bend the rules and sent out my registration docs and tax to allow me to get plates made up and drive it to the inspection legally.  

They witheld my pukka  V5 until it had been inspected but it was enough for me to be registered, taxed and insured prior to the inspection.

Maybe I was just lucky (I put it all down to my charm on the telephone  :D:D  ), but it may be worth being a complete pain in the ar5e to see where that gets you.

Oh, and I think the inspection place in Birmingham is actually at a site just down the road from the SVA centre about 1/2 mile away, not at the same place.



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Be careful about driving the car on the road other than to attend an appointment for SVA or MoT.   It is illegal to do so to take it for an inspection.

Birmingham are a real pain in the a$$, they insisted on an appointment being made for the inspection, which was about a week after the documentation went in for mine.   It sounds now as if they get it done at Vosa, which is an even bigger pain.

I do wish they'd get their acts together, and allow the SVA inspector to certify the chassis number, age of parts etc in one go.   It'd make far more sense, and cut down on their time and effort as well as ours.

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It sounds now as if they get it done at Vosa, which is an even bigger pain.


I handed in the docs on monday afternoon after waiting 2.5hrs to see someone.

Then today, Jeff had to drive all the way from Bristol to the VOSA site near B'ham airport, just for the guy to check the same serial numbers that the SVA guy had already checked last month when Jeff had the car SVA'd :(

Fingers crossed they get their act sorted tomorrow morning and I can get a reg number and tax disc issued, so I can get to drive it this weekend rather than wait another whole week    :sheep:

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Book another MOT somewhere on the SVA route, if you get my drift. 35 quid is cheaper than a trailer and a lot more convenient to drive.


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after my last SVA I just rang the boys at the Brighton DVLA

they said just come down with the paper work and sorted me in 10 minutes.

we then sat, shared a spliff and chatted about the good times :D

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Sorry to hear you're having problems Flappa. Been to local meet in the car tonight, took SWMBO on a promise to be gentle!

As has been reported at the beginning of the week, SVA form in my hands at about 11 am Monday, phoned WF with MAC number, CON on the doormat 7am next day, went to DVLA, waited about 30 mins, presented all paperwork at Nottingham, lady said "I'm not sure about kit-cars, but I know a man who does" took all the stuff away for 5 mins, came back, said "that's all fine", rubber stamped every bit of paper I had given her, gave me photocopies of everything, a tax disc, and the number plate authority. Stopped off at Halfrauds on way home, plates on car within 24 hours of the SVA. No inspection. Marvellous service.

Kerry S

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Flappa, I had the same problem with DVLA Birmingham, I got the local plod (Leamington Spa) to come out and inspect it and he sent the paperwork to the DVLA office all a bit of a performance really. I will be down Leamington with my trailer next week if you wannt to borrow it we could arrange something probably wed/thurs P.M me or call 07803 206567

Mark  :cool:

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Is it possible to get the car registered the same day it passes its SVA test? Has anybody done this?

Can't you just drive to the DVLA office after the test and register it there and then, if they do need to check the car it would then be outside.


Yep, another one here did.

Trailered my to SVA last year at Shrewsbury (passed) so on the way back I thought I'd pop into Worcester DVLA on the off chance, waited for nearly an hour and they took one look at all the receipts I had. Photocopied the one with chassis number on it and MAC certificate, and issued me with an 04 reg and tax disk. No mention of wanting to see the car to check the numbers corresponded. Plates where made up and on by 7pm and I was out blasting round that evening.

I think it all falls down to where you go, who you deal with, and how they feel on the day.

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Yet another variation for you here....local DVLA (Worcester) didn't like my chassis number (not a Westy) so insisted on issuing me a new one. OK, not a problem. They sent me a standard form telling me that when my vehicle was inspected (it wasn't) it was found lacking a chassis number (it wasn't) and here's one for you.... Stamped it on, went to SVA, very first thing the guy looks at is the chassis number..he is happy and carries on. Day after SVA, I put all the paperwork in the post as I don't fancy sitting around all day at the DVLA waiting...following Monday, I get a call saying that they have to have the form they sent me with the chassis number on stamped by 'the dealer' and returned before they can process my V55/5...they wouldn't accept the fact that the SVA guy had checked it so I had to get my MOT guy to both sign and stamp the form, plus sign and stamp a declaration letter saying the chassis number had been properly applied......I sent all this in, along with the MOT as well...then on Thursday they ring again and ask me to bring the car in for inspection. Earliest date is next Thursday (A***!;). I check that it's OK to drive the car, they say yes, just as long as you come straight here....and you just know that all they are going to look at is the chassis number, don't you.....

So, the moral seems to be that there is absolutley no standard whatsoever. It's all down to the local DVLA office and like Malc says, how they feel on the day, if they like your face and your attitude or not, and probably the colour of the car.

One thing I will say about the Worcester office - they are pretty darn prompt with the service. Took them 2 days from me posting my original contact letter to them, to receiving a new chassis number, I posted my V55/5 etc on the Friday and they rang me the following Monday, I posted the chassis stamp declaration etc on a Tuesday evening, they rang me Thursday. And the staff that have called me have all been friendly as well, which helps ease the pain I suppose.

Lets hope I can come away from the DVLA on Thursday with V5 & tax disc in my grubby mits.....Halfrauds isn't far away.

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