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The off the record quote below came from a policeman (not directly involved in the chase) regarding a police pursuit in Nottingham that was reported in the local press as per the link below.

However, make sure you read his (anonymous) report as to what `may` actually have happened and then you begin to realise that we are all being conned into a false sense of security.

It is apparent that in all layers of society you can do no wrong.

This is how the incident was reported

This is what `may` allegedly actually have happened.........


Lets just say for instance if a very similar incident had occurred where one of the occupants was actually wanted for murder....oh or supposing the two had stolen a very similar car at gun point earlier that evening........and on a final point supposing a gun was thrown from a similar fleeing car, how would that look.

For f**k sake image if all the three had happened together in a parallel universe where the police had the balls to actually report such factors....then how would incident have been reported.


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Or in the real world......

If a copper is behind you with blues and two's going, you stop......the two unfortunate individuals being "chased", chose not to stop. I think we can all probably come up with several reasons as to why they chose not to stop. The families are naturally distraught, and looking for some-one to blame. It isn't the police, IMHO, conspiracy theories aside.......

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I think I'm with Blatters on this one. A quote from the newpaper article along the lines of

'Why were they chased and not just prosecuted for speeding?'

when they were doing 95mph in a built up area just doesn't wash if you ask me.

To my mind, if a police car is trying to stop you, you stop. If you don't and something happens to you as a result of being 'chased', I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy.

Kind of reminds me about the huge pileup on a motorway a few years ago (M1 perhaps?) where the police were blamed because the matrix signs weren't showing 'fog'. The fact that the drivers chose to ignore the obviously foggy conditions apparently had nothing whatsoever to do with the accident.

The police come in for a rough ride (sometime justifiably, the emphasis on 'speed' as a factor on the roads is sometimes over the top IMO), but 95 in a built up area is ludicrous, and can't be compared for someone being flashed by a speed camera doing (say) 40 in a 30 limit.


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I agree with what you are saying, they should have stopped and why they did not we will never know,

but if the police had not been chasing them would they have been doing 95mph in a built up area ?

I am not trying to make excuses for anyone but do feel that sometimes things could be done with a little more thought about the possiable dangers to others.

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I read the report as saying that they were being chased beacuse they were seen doing 95mph. Perhaps I read it wrong...

The inquest had heard how a white Astra carrying the teenagers was seen speeding down Huntingdon Street at an average speed of 95mph, narrowly avoiding a pedestrian before swerving to avoid traffic.

I assumed that means they were seen by police doing this, but perhaps they were seen by others during the chase...

If that's not the case, then yes, you have a point.

However, I'm assuming that the police wouldn't have been involved in such a high speed chase if it were just for some minor motoring offence...


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its shakey ground really, does plod slow down/call off a chase if it heads towards busy areas ? then again would the offending driver slow down also ? my A*** he would !

in my personal opinion if a car chase is heading for any busy/populated are the police should be allowed to do pretty much anyhting to sop the offending car.

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I read the report as saying that they were being chased beacuse they were seen doing 95mph. Perhaps I read it wrong...

That's how I read it too.....

As I see it, the police had no choice but to drive at speed, just to catch up enough to be in a position to give the perps the chance to stop.........if you only witnessed the last 10 seconds of events, then obviously it looks like a chase.......

Not sure I agree 100% with S8ight, but I do agree that strenuous efforts should be made to stop such behaviour.

I can also see that, if they'd killed an innocent bystander or two before the "chase" began, there would have been all the usual "where were the police?" comments, no doubt stating that if there were more police around, perhaps they would have been stopped before hurting anyone........

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The chase began after the Astra, being driven erratically, was spotted earlier in the evening by another police officer driving to work.

The fatal crash occurred at around 11.30pm after a 30-minute chase along Valley Road, Hucknall Road, Mansfield Road and Hutchinson Street.

This all started because the boys were seen driving too fast past a speed camera.


Sometimes the police should make the hard choice and not pursue these "villans" because sometimes all these teenagers want is a thrill of a police chase (but then all it seems like the police want the same ) a grown up attitude on one side would be good especially in a built up area

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Like I said (or implied), even if the police hadn't given chase, at the speeds they were alledgedly driving at, (whilst having class A drugs in their systems, don't forget), they may have killed themselves anyway. I can't see how the blame for this can be placed solely on the police, and their decision to try to stop them. If both occupants had "simply" been drunk, we'd all be saying "serves 'em right", in the self righteous way that we've been conditioned to, I reckon.......

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Shoot me down in flames if you like but in all major cities throughout the UK 95mph in the CENTRE of the city at any time of day (or night) is simply unacceptable and anyone who lives/knows of the road in question can appreciate the graveness of what these two have done. It is not a straight road by any stretch of the imagination and to do 95 down there is, to be frank, doing well

IMO they f***** deserved it!!

I have now removed myself from the soapbox, thankyou



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Perhaps if they were not being chased they would have been doing 60mph rather than 95mph . . . maybe they would be alive today.  I know that 60 mph at 11.30pm through a town centre is only marginally less insane than 95mph but it might have saved their lives.

I thought the Police had more intelligent methods of trapping the scroats who do this, like positioning other cars at junctions, stingers, turning all traffic lights to red etc ?

I was once almost knocked down by a Police car in a 30mph town centre, diesel Fiesta came so fast round a 90 degree corner it was almost drifting round rather than driving.  The driver was unable to stop for the zebra crossing that I and a number of other people were on so missed us by inches - he didn't even stop.  I'm not convinced this kind of driving doesn't still go on today.

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So the Irish really mean 3 strikes and your OUT.

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Got pulled by a fed who anticipated that I was going to break the speed limit. He thought that prevention was better than cure so he stopped me before I had chance to prove him right.

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Hi I had a similar thing happen to me a while ago, I was returning from a gun club and was pulled over. I was in the firms van at the time, the constable asked could he look in the back of van, I opened the doors he looked and said okay he said he was looking for some household goods, he said gooday and went. On the floor of the van there was 4 pistols a semi auto plus 2 rifles and ammo not a question asked

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