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I have a question on behalf of my father in law.

He has been having a problem on his computer over the last couple of days. When he presses the button to fire the computer up, it whirs into life for a couple of seconds, and then just dies.

Any ideas/suggestions much appreciated.



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By 'dies' I assume you mean it turns itself off again?

Does anything at all appear on the monitor?

Does it emit any beeps? If so, count them (it means something, trust me ;)).


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I'm guessing that it doesn't get as far as the beeping stage and that it's a dodgy power supply unit (PSU). But more info needed really.

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yes it switches itself off again.

He told me that the light on the monitor flickers but nothing comes on the screen, and there is a single beep.


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Hmm...power supply does sound favourite. Be surprised if it were the switch personally.

Alternatively one of the expansion cards is doing something nasty that's making it shut down (I had a network card that worked fine in one PC, but when you put it in another the PC wouldn't even get as far as the BIOS POST).


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So it sounds like it could be the psu as he hasn't added or changed anything on the computer since he bought it about 3 years ago.

He will take in to the shop he got it from tomorrow.

Just for reference what sort of money is a psu?

Thanks guys


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50 quid at most I would have thought. You can get a case including PSU for that.


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So it sounds like it could be the psu as he hasn't added or changed anything on the computer since he bought it about 3 years ago.

That power supply lasted well mine went about 3 monthes out of warranty about 15 month's (pc world and manufacturer didn't want to help at all and pc world could not even give a price) :devil:

In the end got a new supply (£20) and fitted it myself dead easy first time i had looked inside a pc

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The place he bought it from was one of these independent build what you want type of shops so they should be able to sort him out.

Once again thanks for the feedback.

I'll let you know what the outcome is.


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Well he took it in yesterday and they told him it was the cpu & motherboard :0  :(

So now he is looking at a new machine instead


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ATX motherboards switch the PSU on/off.  The switch on the box sends a current to the motherboard telling it to switch the power on.

The cpu AND the motherboard sounds curious/suspicious.  Both have failed!!??

If you press an ATX switch for a few seconds and hold it down the computer will fire up, run for a few seconds then switch off before you get anything on screen. no beeps.

So the symptoms you describe could be happenning because the physical switch on the box is sticking.

You could try taking the wires off the switch and briefly shorting them to see if this bypasses the problem.  If so, a new case would be the answer

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Father in law said he can't remember precisely what was said, but he was toying with upgrading prior to this anyway. So it has just aided his decision making. :t-up:



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Could be cooling fan, some have sensors so that if they stop the puter shuts down. Open box and check they are all running  ;)

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