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Silverstone dropped


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Just seen that Silverstone is NOT in the F1 2005 calendar :(
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The British Grand Prix has not been included on the provisional calendar for the 2005 season.

F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone had set a deadline of today to find a promoter for the race but has failed to agree terms with Silverstone owners the British Racing Drivers' Club.

Full story to follow...


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Bernie is, reportedly, convinced that the facilities and experience are just not good enough for F1 to come to the UK...

I agree, and on the same basis suggest that Bernie and his entourage aren't good enough to live in Britain, so please Mr Blunkett, declare him PNG and tell him to go live somewhere else

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No Brit GP  :down:  :down:  :down:  :down:  :down:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:
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*Devils Advocate* - Exactly how much of a loss would Silverstone be to the F1 World Circus ???

Yep its not very good for Silverstone or UK enthusiasts  :down:  :down: Which is what most of us are considering  :(  :down:

But Silverstone compared to the new Asian and middle eastern circuit and facilities - its just not in the same league  :down:  :down: and we simply can't afford to construct at that level anymore in the UK :down:  :down:  :down:  :bangshead:

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British engineers, team bosses etc have made that short geek what he is today.

He should be paying out of his own fat pocket to stage a race in this country.

Have to admit I've not been the biggest fan for the last few yrs but I still feel angry that I will be denied the opportunity to go to a GP in this country - The home of motor racing.

:angry:  :angry:

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The home of motor racing.

The French, Germans and Italians could both lay claim to that title if they wanted to.

Britain leads the world in motorsport technology (in many areas, not just F1) so I can't help thinking the loss of the grand prix isn't going to have a massive influence on that.  If it's what people need they'll still be banging on the doors of British companies to come and get it.

Silverstone, quite frankly, deserved to lose the GP.  They've spent too much money doing f**k all to the facilities over the years and only have themselves to blame.  The BRDC seems stuck in the past in terms of "expecting" to have a grand prix "because, dammit, we're British !!".  Bernie has tried and offered to help Silverstone too, but that seems to have fallen on deaf or stupid ears.

That said, Bernie deserves a good c*nting so I really hope there is a break-away F1 type series formed and agreements reached with circuits which allow both parties to make a profit.  They just need to be careful not to go the way of the IRL / champ cars in the US.

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Sad news

But I think it could just be F1 politics, its not the first time Bernie made the threat.

Would not be the slightest suprised if it got re instated but then It would'nt really bother me if it did got tossed out and perhaps it would be for the better

The F1 scene lost the plot for me a long time ago

Time for a change?

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That said, Bernie deserves a good c*nting so I really hope there is a break-away F1 type series formed and agreements reached with circuits which allow both parties to make a profit.  They just need to be careful not to go the way of the IRL / champ cars in the US.

So the association the MSA had with F1 will be thrown out the window then as well. How about a new series for the UK at all the racing circuits with a new governing body as well.

Recipe would be:

Sequential Gearboxes  :D

1000 hp unsilenced V12 engines

Front engined, rear wheel drive

No areodynamics

No refuelling

Slick tyres

No traction control


Unlimited modifications to suspension pick ups :D  :p

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Ang on a minute Windy you might just have something  :D  :D  :D  ;)  :D

If the MSA don't have a need to look after the F1 prima donna's when it visits the UK - just perhaps they might be able to deal with "proper" motorsport that goes on every weekend without the need of "Bernie's Touring Circus"  :D  :D  :D  ;)  :devil:  :D

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