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Ever done anything stupid and dangerous


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Just read this post and Mr Willis' comments on dropping cans of Stella when nodding off got me thinking.

Have you ever done anything under the influence that was downright dangerous to yourself and others?

Once got very p******** and when I got home fancied a ciggy before going to bed. Couldn't fiind my lighter so went ahead and turned on all the gas rings on the cooker and pressed the ignitor button. One of the rings lit up and I lit up my ciggy. Then I just turned off the one ring that lit up leaving the other 3 rings spilling out natural gas. After my ciggy I felt a little sleepy (surprisingly) and nodded off.

About 15 mins later the missus came running in to the kitchen shouting her head off at me and opening all the windows. I woke up and went into one with her asking what the f**k was wrong with the stupid bint. It was then that she told me what I had done  :blush:

To this day she keeps reminding me of my close call and what would have happened if I was living alone at that time.

Shudder to think! Still drink copious amounts of Stella on a w/e though. Will never learn.  :devil:

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I've come in Pi$$ed feeling a bit peckish & but some burgers under the grill, go for a pi$$, forget about the burgers & gone to bed forgetting all about the burgers spitting hot fat onto the grill.................

Luckily my house mate came in & had his supper ready cooked for him.....:d

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Many years ago when i used to live in a bedsit i staggered in completely trolleyed and must have thought the room was a bit chilly so put the 2 bar electric fire on, must have then thought it was bedtime so removed jacket and fell asleep only to somehow come to and realise the room was full of smoke.... i'd of course thrown the jacket onto the fire, i somehow managed to put the fire out without electrocuting myself and went straight back to sleep again......next morning woke to see a room that looked like Beirut and a large bill from lanlord for replament of floorboard, carpet etc :(  :(   :blush:
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I know someone who fell asleep on a train from Koln to Hannover after a few cans, and got woken up at the checkpoint for West Berlin!!!!


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I came home p******** one night and thought I'd have a bath so I turned the hot tap on as it takes a few minutes for the water to run hot. I remember thinking I'll lie on the bed for a couple of minutes until the water's hot - 6 hours later I woke to the sound of what I thought was loud rain. I went into the bathroom and it was like a sauna, thankfully I hadn't put the plug in!

Gas bill was expensive that quarter!


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I know someone who fell asleep on a train from Koln to Hannover after a few cans, and got woken up at the checkpoint for West Berlin!!!

I bet he then got the next train back to Hannover, fell asleep and ended up back in Koln again.  Oh, happy days in Germany........ Bring on the Apfelkorn.

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I remember (just) having about 10 too many prior to going to College ball....... :blush:  Arrived with everyone else on the coach, went straight to toilets......30 mins later left in a taxi back to Hall of Res.

Mates called around in the morning to see if I was OK and asked if I'd heard the fire alarm in the night... :0  :0  I said what alarm? The bell was right outside my room but I slept right through it.... :blush:  :0 And everyone assumed I was still at function....

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I know someone who fell asleep on a train from Koln to Hannover after a few cans, and got woken up at the checkpoint for West Berlin!!!

I bet he then got the next train back to Hannover, fell asleep and ended up back in Koln again.  Oh, happy days in Germany........ Bring on the Apfelkorn.

He probably fell asleep again, but it was in the back of a military police rover

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

No charges, but the Russians were very put out

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my mum came home p******** one night the other month and decided to make some toast. but instead of pressing cancel to release he toast when it was too hot, she got out a fork and proceded to yank out the toast while the toaster was still working. The next day the toaster exploded.
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I've never done anything stupid and dangerous ;)

Well not under the influence of Stella that is. I've never drunk it!:p


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I've never done anything stupid and dangerous ;)

Well not under the influence of Stella that is. I've never drunk it!:p


Well, it's never too late to start  ;)

:sheep:  :sheep:  :sheep:

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