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those bloody england flags


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I posted this funny link in a humour website in another thread and someone actually got the hump, saying it was offensive.

That was me. The point is - it's not funny. The link seems to be dead now, but paraphrasing it said : "Anyone in a manual trade is stupid". That's not satire by any definition.

Though I did chuckle at the sugar in tea bit. :)

Not funny in your humble opinion - very funny in the opinion of many.  And it was not saying only "anyone in a manual trade":

Emergency legislation has been brought in to require all those defined as boy racers, pillocks and half-wits to display the flags from today until the end of July. If successful, the safety scheme may be extended indefinitely."

It IS satire - it's not serious and it wasn't meant to be serious.  if you can't laugh at yourself, you shouldn't be allowed to laugh at others.  I've lost count of how many times I've made fun of my fellow Americans in these boards.  Jeez Sam, lighten up a bit.

(The link is not dead, BTW.)

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german plated gt3 got a magnetic george cross flag on it this weekend whislt parked in a pub car park which i thought was quite amusing-the owner went ape s**t,which i found seriously funny!had had a few mind.
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To be far if someone stuck some magnet thing on my expensive car i'd go ape to, however agreed if i was watching said event occuring id find it amusing :) works both ways!

Every one chill :)

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Oh boy....  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

1) Just because you fly a national flag, it doesn't necessarily mean you're someone who is a nationalistic racist

2) Just because you don't fly a national flag, it doesn't necessarily mean you're someone who doesn't support their country

3) If you fly a national flag from your car and can't take some good-natured ribbing about it without resorting to heated defensive comments, maybe your should consider spending your money on some anger management therapy instead of flags for your car

I posted this funny link in a humour website in another thread and someone actually got the hump, saying it was offensive.  :bangshead:  If you do find that link offensive, you might wish to read and study this.  Or download a sense of humour.

It's just a flag.  And in the current situation, it's about displaying support for the national football team, which is great, but goodness me people, get a grip already.  Lighten up, Francis.  :mad:  :bangshead:


1. It looks very much like that is exactly what the OP is implying to me and is imo offensive as it it is aimed partly at a particular group in society.

2. Considering that a major anniversary has just taken place to commemorate many thousands of men who died for their flags and countries, i just think its in very poor taste. :down:

3, As it happens i have a really good sense of humour, it just disappears when this sort of crap appears.

4. looking at this post its not me who needs therapy. :bangshead:

5. And i prefer to be classed as English rather than British thanks :t-up:

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If England lose to America is this thread going to go into meltdown ?

All this fuss coz there's some sort of football tournament going on ?

It's just not cricket.......

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Personally and from my own experience I think the above post is spot on and humurous.

(Even though it's six years old)

I find that people fall into two categories with their reaction to this type of thing;

(1) those that fly the flags and look at this post and find it funny are neither casual racists or simpletons.

(2) People that find this offensive are usually both casual racists and simpletons - they normally hide behind the fact we should be more patriotic, they're not racist because they have an immaginary best mate who is an ethnic and because they are a bit dense fail to realise it is only humour.

:p  :p  :p

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Personally and from my own experience I think the above post is spot on and humurous.

(Even though it's six years old)

I find that people fall into two categories with their reaction to this type of thing;

(1) those that fly the flags and look at this post and find it funny are neither casual racists or simpletons.

(2) People that find this offensive are usually both casual racists and simpletons - they normally hide behind the fact we should be more patriotic, they're not racist because they have an immaginary best mate who is an ethnic and because they are a bit dense fail to realise it is only humour.

Easy rules to live by....

Number one in a series of many commonsense rules....

"Laugh/take the P**s at/out of  everything/everybody....Starting with yourself"

IMHO if you can't laugh at your own failings then it's just b****y ignorant to laugh at other people's.....

Yes a lot of people with these car flags are cocks.....

So what?

They probably think that people who chop up perfectly practical old saloon cars to build impractical plastic roofless bathtubs that can only be used on the 3 sunny days of the year are prats too?   :laugh:

For me tho' the most telling thing is that the rest of Britain likes to proudly display their patriotism in many forms, yet whenever the English do it, they are concieved as bigoted racists...What a load of b*****ks..

Oh I have no imaginary ethnic friends, although my wife is Dutch, my stepdaughter is a quarter Jamaican, my kids from my first marriage are quarter Welsh, quarter Scottish (thro' grandparents),  and I am a patriotic Englishman.....

My wife's car sports discreet Dutch and English logos, and when the Cloggies play we have an orange themed footie party where my 6 yr old sports his Dutch  van Persie shirt, and when the English play he'll watch wearing his Rooney shirt.....

We don't do racism in our house, and that includes "Pseudo_anti_Englishness" perpetrated by leftie do-gooding t***s.....

We do however do light hearted pisstaking and when we stuff the tulip wearing, clog toting, ganja smerking, attic hiding, porno windmill lovers in the final we may even invoke some national stereotypes.... :D  :D  :laugh:

PS, Sorry, didn't mean to rant... :p  :D

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If someone has the Queens e-mail address could you forward this on please?

" Dear Queen Liz, It seems its not politically correct to fly a national flag any more. With this in mind, can I respectfully request that you remove your's from the top of the building on Buckingham Palace and on your other castles. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but I feel it had to be said"

Yours A Miserable Git.

An adopted copy has been sent to all Americans to remove their flags from all over the place.  :p

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If someone has the Queens e-mail address could you forward this on please?

" Dear Queen Liz, It seems its not politically correct to fly a national flag any more. With this in mind, can I respectfully request that you remove your's from the top of the building on Buckingham Palace and on your other castles. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but I feel it had to be said"

Yours A Miserable Git.

An adopted copy has been sent to all Americans to remove their flags from all over the place.  :p

PS Liz. and please tell Phil not to be so b****y rotten to Johnny Foreigner, and ask Harry to desist in wearing the previous uniform of your family's former homeland.....

We wouldn't anyone thinking you are bunch of racists what with the flag and all..

PPS Top hole job ditching that blind Jock t**t of a former PM......almost as bad as when that Ginger Welsh git nearly got in.......ooooops!

:laugh:  :D  :D

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What is an Englishman anyway?  They are the original mongrels of the human race - made up from all nationalaties because in history everyone came there (Vikings, Romans, Normans etc) - slapped their blokes around because they were soft lads and shagged their women to reproduce.

The Scots were a bit tough and the blokes already wore skirts.

..........and nobody fancied the Welsh sheep!

Once the English realised they were as soft as f**k and formed Great Britain (Importing the tougher Scots and Welsh) they managed to grow a big empire!

P.S. Queen Lizzy is really a German.  :p

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What is an Englishman anyway?  .

Once the English realised they were as soft as f**k and formed Great Britain (Importing the tougher Scots and Welsh) they managed to grow a big empire!

P.S. Queen Lizzy is really a German.  :p

Alternatively...... :D

Englishmen are really mongrel Europeans and the Celts are actually all derived from the poofy English who ran off into the hills, valleys and islands when the rufty, tufty, Normans, Vikings, Huns ad infinitum arrived for a bit of a kickabout..... :laugh:  :laugh:

So laugh at us nominal Englishmen all you like Scots., Irish, and Welsh folk...It's actually you who are the poncy English ****s...... :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :p  :D

PS Chatting to an Irish mate of mine whose wife is expecting his first child... I couldn't resist and asked if he was considering naming him Thierry?  :laugh:  :p  :laugh:

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