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those bloody england flags


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I travel on the M40 alot for work and the motorway is littered with the england flags.

It's quite funny when you see the cars go by with just the white sticks sticking up, flag long gone. :D

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They are a @''### pain, I have been hit by 2 of them so far, the first two weeks ago, three weeks before the sad gits play, it was plastic pole thing and flag, fortunately I was in the tin top and it just bounced of the windscreen. The other hit me in the face last night, unfortunately I was in the Westie and it hit me in the face, luckily I wear good Oakley glasses. When I fitted the aeroscreen, I was warned about flies and stones but not the flags and emblems of hairy arsed idiots who can't think for themselves and need to demonstrate their support for a grossly over inflated game in terms of both ego and money. Is is it just the need to be :sheep:

I hope we get kicked out for good!!:angry:

You might have guessed I cannot stand football  :(

We never seem to get away from it, it used to be an indication of summer when cricket and tennis and a bit of golf came on the telly now it's just bl**** football :angry:

So if you want to demonstrate that you are a moron, stick an Engalnd flag on your car, it says more about you than you ever can. (Given you can probably only string two words together at a time and at least one of them has to either begin or end with an 'F'.

That's it rant over, bear sulks back into his cage! :D

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Can see your point with the safety aspect but.....

I think it's about time people showed some pride in bieng English. And put two fingers up to the snotty nosed councilors/MP's.

Don't know how things are where you are are, but in Luton Council is not allowed to fly the England flag. We are not allowed to have christmas lights we have to have festive lights, might affend other religions, like they give an f about anybody elses when the have their celebrations.

So if people are willing to show their support for their Country then why not as long as they can be safe with it.

Pi55es me off everywhere you go, you see Welsh, Scotish and Great Britain Flags. Who the F wants to be British certainly not the majority of the British, Welsh or scotish. So why can't the English fly their own flag when the Scots and Welsh do. They don't get told they are being racist do they. Seems to me whenever we do anything to show pride in being english we are racists.

OK so main rant over so check tmy car out from my last years Z3 cruise across europe to meetup with 250 other Z3's.

Display of English flag, but nice and safe.




Think I might have to have something done on my Westy for curborough next week.

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Well I heard the other day, that white vans will fail an MOT if they don't have an England flag fitted.  :p  :D  :D  :suspect:


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Only in the UK would you be described as a 'casual racist' for displaying an England flag.

I find that extremely offensive and I think you should be ashamed of yourself for your first post above S8ight.


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I think it just goes against the tradition of the English not having to shout about their nationality.   I personally wouldn't put one on my car, but honestly,  I do think some people are over reacting.   Safety wise - yes, a good point.   As for the reaction that anyone flying a cross of St George is a Xenophobe - get real will you!   Go to Scotland, it won't be long before you see some pleb walking round with a tee shirt saying "I support Scotland, or anyone playing against England", and I defy anyone to cross either border and not see their national flags in abundance any time of the year.

Each to his/her own, if you don't like 'em, don't fly 'em, but for goodness sake, freedom of speech is something we all have the right to, regardless of how we express it.

IMHO of course


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Anyone who is prepared to moan or complain about displaying a red cross flag and not being proud to be english at this time is a sad b@st@rd. IMHO you deserve to be hung or flogged :p

Does'nt matter what sport is current either, get behind them. Oh you call yourself a bear, your not a bear you haven't got the balls :D

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Anyone who is prepared to moan or complain about displaying a red cross flag and not being proud to be english at this time is a sad b@st@rd. IMHO you deserve to be hung or flogged :p

Does'nt matter what sport is current either, get behind them. Oh you call yourself a bear, your not a bear you haven't got the balls :D

...........unless, of course, you're not English....... :sheep:  :sheep:

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