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Manchester Coast 2 Coasters

Megablade Paul

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OK, there's lots of discussion about the Friday from the Manchester boys so a new post so everyone is clear :)

We will be meeting at the Horton Arms at 10.30am this Friday, I will bring a printed route for each of you with a planned lunch stop either Little Chef or country pub. The route will avoid motorways after the first 10 miles. If the weather is bad that may change.

Now the people I'm aware of from the Manchester boys and Girls travelling in this group are as follows:

Manchester Mike and Manchester Lucy


Kirk and Helen


Glen and Zack (spelling)



Scooby and GF

If I've missed anyone apologies, let me know and if I've included you but you're not intending to meet at the Horton Arms, let me know

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Paul do you mind if I join you? I was gonna go with the Yorkshire guys in the afternoon but I've taken the full day off. What time is the meet? Is it still 10.30

Buzz :cool:

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No problem Buzz, meeting 10.30 at the Horton Arms is still the plan - you're welcome to join us, we're making a day of it so not the most direct of routes....unless weather's crap :(
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Cheers Buzz, we Were only going up in the afternoon as you had only taken a half day.... :p

Scooby, Do you know where to meet on Sunday?

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Apologies Studbuckle the decision was only made Friday morning because my next Friday morning appointment had been cancelled.I didn't realise/you didn't mention that you'd built it round me, looking back on the previous emails you where planning to go at mid day? Anyway I've sent you an email. I still haven't decided yet as the above post was an enquiry I've dropped you an email

Apologies for any upset/inconvenience cause

Buzz :(

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We don't care if you become traiter and go with the mancs crew. As long as we all get there to make use of the 'facilities'.

Mine's a Shandy :)

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What do you wanna do then meet earlier? or go with the Manc boys? or something completely different? or back to plan A?

Buzz  ;)

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I'm sticking with same plan. Other people already geared up to leave at 2pm. Plus, it gives me a bit more time for last minute panic
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Hi Paul, I will not be there on Friday morning but will see you up at St Bees Friday tea time

Buzz ;)

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Cheers Buzz, thanks for letting me know, see you for a beer later.

Alan, give us a call if you're joining us for dinner or a meet up for a beer later, shame you're not in the same place but perhaps within walking distance??

Gonna watch Pheonix nights now and then bed ready for tomorrow :cool:  :D  :p

Weather forecast looking  :cool:  :cool:  :cool:  :D luverly

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