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Are all Wesrfield owners misereable or what?


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The Club provides numerous opportunities for a person to get involved on a local and national level with meetings and events arranged throughout the year to suit a wide range of needs and have maintained a constant supply of track experiences, show attendance and social activities, year on year, many of which appear in our regular event diary as annual events due to their popularity and success.

show attendance and social activities

Went on OUR club stand on 3 occasions on Sunday not aproached by anyone. I was wearing a Westfield polo (not club :oops: ) nobody apraoched me, sat down outside, no one spoke. OK I dont know them, they don't know me, BUT, I assume the people manning the stand were there to welcome club members and potential members. I also assume some of them were commitee members?

I did ask someone if there was a get together/social gathering planned for the evening. I was told that there would be a gathering outside the tent ALL evening. So back to room :zzz: in Stoneleigh Lodge for a wash and brush up and back to tent at 6.30pm NOBODY there and NOBODY there ALL night.

MOST of the other clubs were on site having BBQ'S etc as we wandered around looking lost  :(

Where were you all? where is/was this club, our club show attendance and social activities?

Any comments from the social committee? or the unsociable committee?

Don't get me wrong, I know all you committee members are volunteers and do put in a lot of hours to make the club what it is today and for that, I thank you. There is always more that can be done to improve things. If I was not a member and was coming to check things out, would I have joined?

I just think it was a great opportunity to meet people with the same interests that was missed   :suspect:

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Did not have a problem meeting committee, other members at the tent or while looking at the Westies parked up ! :D  :D

Also met the boys from Cat who I have spoken to a couple of times on the 'phone.  :D  

Only been a member since late last year but members, committee and sponsors could not have been more helpful  :)

Don't think I have met any miserable Westie owners yet, a few Anoraks maybe, a couple of dodgy characters etc :p

Dennis, have you been to your local meets? Always a good starting point.

J D  :cool:

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We had a very sociable evening as usual; with 1 or 2 stellas. The Marquee was sort of out of action as far as night time socialising goes due to vv muddy/ waterlogged ground.

Met a good few new people this yr and all the usual suspects.

Big bad head today though...and a poor show on a manufacturer level. Not much on show

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None of that hotel for us lot          

BBQ and burgers by Sedsy were delicious      

Many headaches Monday morning            

Iain (Roo4) mnaged to find everyone and he came all the way from Scotland

So, where was you hiding then? Not in tent where I was told you would be ???

Many headaches Monday morning

Me too, found live band in Warwick suite, good they were too :t-up:

I was outside talking to many folks myself on Sunday and have a sunburnt bonce to prove it
So it was you who gave me duff info then cos I didn't have club polo shirt on :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Actually Roberts my mothers brother :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

say hello and Roberts your dads brother
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I think I've run into this sort of thing myself in the past. I'm not naturally the most outgoing of people (stop coughing Luned! ), and tend to wait for people to come and speak to me rather than me taking the initiative.

To be honest, why should they?

Whenever I've struck up the gumption to actually go and speak to someone, they've always been perfectly pleasant and friendly.

I'm sure that it was nothing personal that people didn't come and talk to you. Granted, perhaps it might project a more 'friendly' image of the club if people made the effort to go up and talk to everyone that showed up, but some people (quite often, me included) just want to have a nose around at their own pace.

I showed my face at the club tent a few times today, and if people looked to be deep in conversation then I just wandered off for a bit and came back.

Now, why didn't I take a photo of a certain green car with an out-of-date tax disk? :D. It could have gone into my collection along with 'those' pictures. Hope you got home Ok without getting your collar felt Mr. B...'On the kitchen table'. Heard that one before ;)


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We went to club stand on Sunday, changed baby in club tent, had beers and chips outside of tent, got insulted by most  :D  :p

Would love to have stopped the night and joined in festivities (don't know about Sedsy's cooking!!!!!;) but there's always next year!

Sorry to hear you were disappointed, but we thought the club welcomed us new members warmly.

Thanks Guys!!!!!!

PS- book us a tent space for next year!

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I think you were just unlucky Dennis. I was gonna stop on sunday night but I had some bad news as my football team got whipped at Bolton and releigated to the Coca Cola Div 1 so,..... I was gutted :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Dennis keep ya pecker up let me know the next event (prob Curboro' ) you intend to go to and I 'll take you round and introduce you to the shakers and movers within the WSCC, plus keep you away from the people you shouldn't be associated with.......

i.e South Woofters , sheep sha**ers from the Mildlands (twined with Wales), the Winsford Women's Society, The Boghouse Blue Drinking Club Featuring Scott Bogland and anybody from Newcastle :p

So as you can work out from that, the Republic of Yorkshire and Scotland are the only places to live, the people are wonderful, very friendly, shower regularly and will not steel ya beer.

So come and visit us tonight at the Yorkshire Club night !!

Buzz :cool:

P.S Also anybody from the Swamp(Norfolk)  :p

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Methinks next year or such, we can try to out do the Catering van lot, Jazz band, BBQ, beers, strippers.

Don't know what the decoraters were up to?

So next year we should get sorted early.


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a couple of dodgy characters etc :p

Thta'll be me n Sedsy then!

:p  :p  :p  :p  :p

I confess to being a little antisocial on the Monday morning.

I must have had an off can of Stella!

:blush:  :blush:  :blush:

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You should drink out of glasses, then you always have the old 'damp glass' excuse to fall back on as well :)


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So, where was you hiding then? Not in tent where I was told you would be

Anyone that actually knows me - will tell you "I don't do tents"  :D  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D

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Are you one of those who climb over the fence to watch 'em play Buzz?

Last I heard Leeds were skint!  

Wolves just have to beat Newcastle 36-0, and Man city need to lose the rest of their games, and they're safe!

Easy peasy!


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Hope you got home Ok without getting your collar felt Mr. B...'On the kitchen table'. Heard that one before

Yeah, no worries, despite me howling past two traffic cars at 8*mph plus.........

I know the "kitchen table" excuse is an oldie, but at least it had the benefit of being the truth.......  :0

As for Dennis' criticisms, in the past I have done my share of helping out in the tent and speaking when spoken to. I gave up randomly approaching folk because A)lots of them are just "wanderers", with no special interest in the WSCC, but who are just looking inside *every* tent they see, and B) You get lumbered with the most mind numbing anoraks imaginable. Besides, how is anyone to know you are a member? Just 'cos you're wearing a Westfield factory jacket means very little. There are lots of Westfield (jacket) owners who aren't members, and who don't want to be members (fools)...........so really, you need to speak up. To the best of my knowledge, none of the Commitee members are mind readers, or claire voyant........

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Hi guys

Thanks for your comments and suggestions :suspect:

Some good some bad :D

as for

So as you can work out from that, the Republic of Yorkshire and Scotland are the only places to live

Being a Lancashire lad Yorkshire and Scotland come 2nd and 3rd :D  :D  :D and we also play a better game of football


I think I've run into this sort of thing myself in the past. I'm not naturally the most outgoing of people (stop coughing Luned! ), and tend to wait for people to come and speak to me rather than me taking the initiative.
Descibes me to a T :blush:

BTW Andy did you travel up Fosse Way in WESTY with yer famous hat on? I passed you on my way back from Stoneleigh to Castle Combe to watch F3 and Catering van racing.

You haven't put me off meeting you lot :p I will just make a bit more noise next time we meet. ROLL ON COAST TO COAST

Look out for me and dennis.jpg

and finallyThere are lots of Westfield (jacket) owners who aren't members, and who don't want to be members (fools)...........

Missed opportunity?

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We went to club stand on Sunday, changed baby in club tent,

Isn't there a law against that. Hope he/she has gone to a good home.  :D  :D  :D

 I suppose it was a choice between baby and Wessie. So no contest then. :D  :D  :D

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