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I still have to get the engine out and change the Crank Position Sensor and finish off this and that before Sunday.

I have tomorrow off so with any luck (and a lack of Murpheys law) I should br ready with the Zetec.....


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Having forgotten that Friday is Bank Holiday I'm seriously at risk of not getting the car finished off by Sunday as I need to sort out a few jets ect for the carbs and get some ali bits powdercoated.

If I'm not finished by Sunday can I ride shotgun with one of you guys.

The tin top is being repaired after being run into by a Dominoes Pizza delivery boy (ironic) and the courtesy car I've been given is a 1.2 auto Vauxhall Corsa (I'm getting fed up with being overtaken by push bikes)

Offers of a lift will be greatly appreciated.


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Hi all.

Just to confirm that we'll meet at Tesco as detailed in the thread earlier and then pick up with the rest if the group at Downham Market as arranged by Chris F

Provided I can get to either Northampton Motorsport or Burtons today I will be in the Zetec.


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Can I blag a lift with someone.... Liam gave me my first ride in a Westy last week and I'm hooked :D

Quiz is ready...Will be a bit easier than last time (I'm only a newbie).

Do we need a prize Chaz?


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:bangshead: Sorry chaps and chapetts but I am going to have to miss this one.  The family (her indoors) has organised a family thing  :(

A poor excuse but it is the truth, unfortunately I haven't seen my folks for several months and it looks like this is going to be the only time for while !

Have fun, don't get stuck in the bank holiday traffic, see you at the next meet.


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No prize required Sparky.

It looks like I'll be in the garage at about 5am finishing off.......

:bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

You can blag a lift with me Sparky (that's if I get it finished in the early hours of this morning.


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Damn good blat it was too - fish and chips very good especially as we had all worked up a good appetite during the hike  ;)  :p - sorry couldn't make it back to Milton for the quiz. Where's the piccies then :D
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I don't think anybody made it back to the pub.

I popped in at 16:30 and did'nt see any of our chaps so if any of you guys did turn up earlier I'm sorry. :bangshead:  :bangshead:

Mark, the two guys in the yellow SE with the white roll bar (sorry I did'nt catch your names) and I had a really good run back to Cambridge despite an a*****e in a Range Rover who did his best to spoil the fun.

The two guys on GSXR 1100 bikes that came past us at well over 120mph on the back wheels were particularly insane as were some of Marks overtakes!!!!!!!

Thanks to all those that came I had a lot of fun and still have a stupid inane grin on my face.

I recon it was a sucessfull first run, roll on the next one.


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Cheers for the ride Chaz, I am going to redouble my efforts on my car....:d Although I doubt I have it ready in 4 weeks.

I'd say your engine works alright :p

Thanx again,

Mark B

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Good fun chasing you home, guy on the bike was mad!!

Mark's BEC is fast but he only just made that overtake :p

Good day out, I'm glad to see the rest of you actually drive your cars properly  :cool:


Rob & Steve (guys in the yellow SE)

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Mark, the two guys in the yellow SE with the white roll bar (sorry I did'nt catch your names) and I

Was that Mark in the Black car or Mark in the orange car?

a*****e in a Range Rover

Was this the dark coloured one that was hell bent on running 2" from your tail through the roundabouts coming into Kings Lynn? :angry:

Great day, thanks for organising it :D

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Cheers Chaz, it was a good blat...even SWMBO enjoyed it.  

Martin, next time you lead us out...remember there are 10 of us, not just you and a Max Power Nova having fun  :devil:  :D





Ah! That one should read " Not everything is flat in Norfolk

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Well Chaz, that was a good say out, lucky lucky with the weather as well.

Now in my defense on my return journey I point the jury to the fact that my journey to Hunstanton needed me to do the afore mentioned overtakes to keep up with them  (sorry guys cannot remember your name, one was the orange Westie, the other the guy and his son in a green Westie, from Bury I think).


Their interesting overtake procedure obviously wore off on me  :durr: .

However what can you do when a guy on a bike wheelies as he overtakes? Take that lying down.

But their was a few 'Oh SH*T' looks on my passenger (my father  :D )

All in all great fun, and cannot wait for the next one.


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