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Our XTR2 at Donington

Ian Gratton

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130mph through the Craners ?   :0

Is it the speedometer or the driver's bull****ometer that needs recalibrating ??!!   :D  :D  :p  :p  :devil:  :devil:

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Thats an accurately calibrated STACK using the tyre dimensions as published by AVON.

The straightline speeds we acheived at bruntingthorpe suggests our calibration is correct for the gearing we are currently running on the car too.  I will ask a mate if we can take his GPS datalogger next time we go and see if the speedo is 'bending the truth'

Yes it seems quick - but how far can the stack be out ??? we are getting regular pulses from the wheel speed sensor which I guess means its the correct distance from the disk surface.

Maybe you need a trip in the car with John to confirm ???

I've been down there at about 110mph in a scoob and Its done at over 130mph in a scoob by my rally driver friend....ad downforce and grip and its entirely feasable I would say.

Maybe you should ask Richard Smith or Jim Bickley how quick they do crainers in an XTR2 ???:p

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Yessss, but where abouts in the "Craners" was the speedo reading taken ??   If it's just before you slow down for the Old Hairpin then that's not really the same as doing 130mph through the curves themselves.

It just seemed a little on the high side and implies that a lot of speed was carried into the corners from Redgate.  Comparitive figures for an R500 are 112mph through the corners which is pretty impressive of itself, but to be doing another 18mph (which is, give or take a bit, 15% quicker) on top of that seemed a little optimistic.

From what I've gleaned from the JCC Centurian races where the XTR2 was up against the R500 it seemed that, of the two, the R500 was the quicker car.

I wasn't trying to start an argument about it, I was simply expressing "surprise" at the figure you quoted.  Yes downfarce might make a difference but how much is actually generated by the bodywork / wing ?

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Maybe you should ask Richard Smith or Jim Bickley how quick they do crainers in an XTR2

Slower than the customer R500s racing against them who take it at 118mph on slicks I would say ;)

Not saying it's impossible, just raising an eyebrow that's all.

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When I was driving (much slower than John) I hit just over 110 on the left hand bend prior to the old hairpin. The car could go a lot faster than I was going - I think. Maybe we should check the accuracy of the Stack to make sure.

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Thats a good idea...

maybe it is out - but it wasn't half shifting.

I don't want to start an argument - I'm just stating what I saw at the time (I was the passenger).

everybody happy ???

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Well we all know about the stealth fighter and stealth bomber........this is the stealth XTR2  :cool:

If it were plain carbon...wouldnt it still be glossy? It does look BAD though...(bad in the 'yeah bad boy' sense of the word!! )

POC must have realised his exhausts werent that hot after all and ditched the car ;)

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