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Favourite Play or Film

jeff oakley

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Following on from the favourite Album thread, what is your favourite Play/musical or Film. For me:-


Play , The Book Of Mormon. I thought I was going to have a heart attack I was laughing so much.


Film,  Saving Private Ryan, the D Day landing at the beginning was spell binding and Tom Hanks acting just summed up an ordinary man doing what he had to.  


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Film - Children of Men.   A movie that largely slipped under the radar but gets 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, With headphones or surround sound up loud you're constantly flinching from ricochets during the 6 min one-take-filmed gunfire scene.


Film - The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.   Another sleeper, hard to beat a good western, and the scenery and soundtrack is the cream on the top.


Documentary - Dust to Glory.   Up-close look into the 2003 Baja 1000 desert race - not an event for wimps.


Documentary - The Last Waltz.   Martin Scorcese-shot film of The Band's last concert, knowing they were dis-banding at the end of it - they went out with a bang, with a bunch of famous artists joining in to see them out.


All require a big screen and good sound system - and try not to cheat by watching the trailers etc on youtube!

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Film - Several spring to mind, but The Fifth Element is a stand out film for me. Very eclectic and completely off the wall visuals really made that film. I also watch Star Wars-a new hope whenever I'm ill. Any of the Marvel films from Iron man onwards. Really enjoyed Event Horizon too, another one that slipped under the radar, but absolutely scared the pants off me and the Mrs at the cinema. :laugh:


Not much of a musical fan apart from the Blues Brothers. Absolute classic! 


We will rock you was an absolute blast of a musical play! Helps if you like the music of Queen for that one! 


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Films - some good ones already mentioned. Agree on Event Horizon!

Personally enjoyed the Shawshank Redemption & Apocalypto.

I think we are spoilt for choice now tbh...


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The last time I went to a cinema was to see Jaws which I thought was pretty good 1st time around , previous to that was The Excorsist another shocker ! 


Some Fav's watched  on the silver screen 


All Clint Eastwood stuff Dirty Harry movies and the Spaghetti Westerns


Loneliness of a long distance runner  https://www.google.com/search?q=Loneliness+of+a+long+distance+runner&rlz=1C1ASRM_enGB703GB703&oq=Loneliness+of+a+long+distance+runner&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Dr Strangelove , Peter Sellers at his best, with a great storyline 


Dark Star ( gotta be a cult classic )  https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/17618/looking-back-at-john-carpenter’s-dark-star


Loneliness of a long distance runner  https://www.google.com/search?q=Loneliness+of+a+long+distance+runner&rlz=1C1ASRM_enGB703GB703&oq=Loneliness+of+a+long+distance+runner&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Morgan (a suitable case for treatment )  tom courtneys best


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The Outlaw Josie Wales - Clint at his best.

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I seldom watch films I'm afraid to say.


I remember seeing "the Outlaw Josie Wales" whilst it was on release in the mid 1970s and I was at University.  The last film I properly watched was "The World's Fastest Indian" - a recommendation from a friend that I greatly enjoyed.


My absolute favourite is "Gregory's Girl".  I first saw it in Edinburgh when first going out with my wife in 1981, then in Oxford when the big distributors doubled it up with Chariots of Fire a few months later.  Every now and again, I stumble across it on the TV and have ended up watching it to the end on many occasions.  If Clare Grogan turned up at my door wearing that beret and asking for me, I'd be hard pushed not to drive off into the setting sun with her !



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The Odd Angry Shot - broadly based on the experience of members of the Australian SAS in Vietnam and on their return to Oz - not your typical war film but then what would you expect from the Aussies, some great one liners and Aussie/Military humour.

The Odd Angry Shot Trailer

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The World's Fastest Indian, about  Burt Munro played by Anthony Hopkins.



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@jonjh1964 Another couple of good Aussie ones are The Castle, and Hercules Returns. For a down-under motoring documentary there's Love the Beast - the aussie actor Eric Bana's go at the Targa Tasmania tarmac rally.

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Blazing Saddles,  I’ve not seen a funny film since.

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There are so many, but Kelly's Heroes and Deliverance would be near the top.

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Been going through some old films recently,

An American Werewolf in London,


Young Frankenstien,


Treminator 1 and 2,


Alfa Papa , 

Passport to Pimlico, 

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