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Speed cameras in France


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I have been reliably informed that this year the French are introducing speed cameras to the road network to include the Autoroutes. I guess they will be likely to be targeting the rich pickings to be had around the Le Mans weekend. A change in the law apparently!

I also learned that currently the French police cannot legally fine you if you are timed between booths on toll roads (autoroute) based on what your ticket times say, although they may try to extract funds from foreigners (British) who aren't aware of this.

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Windy. I last went in 1994. Got caught by a hand held gun and was fined about £40!! In addition they take your driving license and/ or passport off you until you pay!!


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At which point you tell them to FRO because they can't do that.

They have to treat other people the same as they do French nationals and they have no authority to demand your passport.

Personally I shall be armed with about, ooooh, 3 driving licences when I hit France in June.  Two of them they can keep for all I care  :D

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Oh, and you also have the option to plead not guilty and take it to court.  They can't then demand cash from you on the spot.

They only do this to Johnny Foreigner because they know that 9 times out of 10 they'll get away with it.

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Are radar detectors still illegal out there?

I am thinking along the lines of Le Gumball just suff the car with as much cash as poss, for fines, then Blat all the way down. :0

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2 years ago i went through a speed trap on the m way comming back b4 calais doing 135mph in a cossy and they didnt bother  chaseing me in there renault 4

but they have real guns S*** !!!!

how fast do bullets go?

i dont worry about the journey there and back in france you will see more coppers on the m20 or m2 going to dover than the drive in france.

appart from now at the mullsane (spelling?)they stand there all bl**** week with speed guns

good luck and i like nicks saying FRO.


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how fast do bullets go?

Anything from about 1500feet per second upwards  :0

so you cant outrun them  ;)

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If you've got really sticky tyres you can out manouver them though  

You'd have to be good and i bet you aint that good  :D

wanna put it to the test  ;)

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One of the lads on the Esprit list stays in France and did say that they will be out in force this year, so be careful :) (the odds of getting stopped doing 160+ are probably slightly less in a westie though ;) )

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Rader detectors are VERY illegal. People have been asked to place them in front of a wheel and drive forwards.

The majority of French radar traps are at the entrance to villages (often hidden). So watch out for other drivers flashing you (this could also be because of the car!;).

Radar traps on the motorways are often between the last exit and the toll so they can stop you at the toll. Be wary of cars on the hard shoulder with hazard flashers on - these might have internal radar/cameras. If you get flashed in a normal car it is an idea to stop and check that strange noise coming from your engine for about 15 mins. That way the cop at the toll might miss you. Otherwise have the cash ready to pay up.

The police can hold you driving licence/passport in order to stop you fleeing if you have committed an offence so don't get stroppy if they ask for it. It is also a good idea to pay otherwise they might put you on their customs computer as a naughty boy.

There are NO unmanned cameras in France, they are illegal.

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i thought they just average speeded you at the booths depending on your ticket times then get the boys in blue on the case.

Lst time my dad got done over there, the cops followed him for 20km and pulled him after the paege and said he'd averaged 110 whilst they were following him. 60 quid later he was on his way. So it aint just the static units you have to watch out for

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