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Hi, I have a Seight with the usual arrangement for the radiator, I.e it “floats” in the nose cone. I’ve seen brackets which hold / support the radiator which makes things easier when removing the nose. Does anyone have the designs for such a thing or know where they can be obtained/ bought 


I think most that have done it have made something out of whatever they had to hand, rather than there being a stock design.


These  are my brackets.




I‘ve seen someone make quite a neat job with two Dexion type struts, bolted to the front of the chassis, and extending forward to support the rad from beneath. The top end, was just held by the hoses as normal, once the nose was removed.

22 hours ago, Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Secretary said:

I‘ve seen someone make quite a neat job with two Dexion type struts, bolted to the front of the chassis, and extending forward to support the rad from beneath. The top end, was just held by the hoses as normal, once the nose was removed.

Yes thats the sort of thing I've seen, just wondered if someone had a design to share? 

22 hours ago, kenton said:

These  are my brackets.



Thanks for the photo, looks a beast :-) 

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