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3 Sisters in administration?

John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

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That is not what the Press Release said yesterday

It is the Operating Company The Racing School Limited who actually run the circuit that has gone into Liquidation. So no events can be run without someone to run/manage/maintain the circuit?

Apparently the holder of the Leases (from the council) for the circuit are either MCM (Motor Circuit Management) or Motorsport Circuit Management who may also be in trouble but I have not seen anything to that effect yet! However they did state yesterday they will try to find a new operating company for the circuit?

Watch this space!



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I've had a call from David Taylor from Longton. David has confirmed the circuit is closed until such times as the liquidators establish who is liable for what. All staff have been paid off. Longton will continue to take entries for all of their remaining events including the one later this month. 

David confirms that in the event the sprint cannot go ahead, LDMC Will refund your entry fee.

It's ultimately up to you if you decide to enter, and possibly don't get to compete. LDMC are doing their up most to honour their events in a situation which is ultimately beyond their control.

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spoke to the longton boys....


They are planning that the event is still on, unless we hear otherwise.... so pack your bags we are going racing.





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I do find this position surprising!

I do not understand how an event can go ahead without anyone able to operate the circuit?

I suggest you dig a bit more to see if their stance is based on solid information or hopeful optimism!

I still recommend Longton or the WSCC SS should start looking immediately for alternative events as back-up or else we are likely to be 2 events short on our calendar.

I have been involved with company administrations/receiverships before in my career and I can assure you nothing happens quickly.

The administrators will be trying to realise assets as quickly as possible (if their are any to realise) without speading very much money in the process!

Is anyone in the frame to be the new circuit operator? If so how long will it take them to get all the necessary approvals/permissions and personnel to get the circuit gates open for business again.

I hope I am wrong but I would not put much money on the 21st May meeting proceeding as planned!

As I said this morning happy to help if required!



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Has anyone actually spoken to the administrator? 

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I hope it does goes ahead but due to the timescales I doubt it will

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I have tried to find out who they are without success

Can you help me track them down and I will willingly talk to them!



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Spoke in the meeting last night with anwcc (www.anwcc.org) and to the Longton boys; they are saying the events are on as they have a rally running there this weekend; the only question is is the café open.


in the nicest way this is now taking focus from Blyton so I'm leaving this alone.


many thanks




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10 hours ago, graham frankland said:


I have tried to find out who they are without success

Can you help me track them down and I will willingly talk to them!




If they are in liquidation no one  has not yet notified companies house or published anything in the Gazette.  Normally this would happen pretty quickly.


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Hi Folks

I have done as much digging about as I can.

At this point in time if you want to take part in the 21st May event at 3 Sisters please refer to the Longton and District Motor Club Web Site and click on the latest Bulletin Available box in the top right hand corner of the home page.

This statement says all there  is to say at the present time and it would be good that they have a good turn out if the event is not cancelled due to unknown issues.



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The event on the 21st IS ON!

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