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Advice or Tips for spray painting?

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Completely out of the blue last year my boss asked me to paint some components at work. He got the paint and I bought a cheap paint spray gun from Machine Mart.

It was only bog standard stuff, just adding some colour, with an etch primer for the Aluminium parts.

To cut a long story short I really enjoyed the painting process and found it almost therapeutic, however having never done it before I clearly lacked any of the knowledge to do a really good job.

I have since read on line a number of resources that give advice about various paint processes but figured there is bound to be users on this forum that have either DIY painted car parts or do it for a living that could offer advice.

Whilst the spray gun I bought was mainly designed for large panel painting like car body panels I have been looking at a mini detail spray gun instead. I thought it would be a good way to paint all of the small car components. I've tried with rattle cans but the problem I am finding is keeping dust off the paint, plus getting a decent smooth finish.

So.....if anyone can impart any words of wisdom I would be very grateful.




I painted my last kit. it was the first time I'd ever picked up a spray gun so there's nothing like jumping in at the deep end. The old saying 'it's all in the prep'is so so true and I learnt cutting corners just doesn't work. I used cellulose as I wouldn't take the risk with 2k at home. This allowed me to lob loads of paint on and flat it back and cut/Polish to get a reasonable finish.

As you say dust is key. I ended up building a polythene cocoon and Jerry rigged a spare radiator fan up as an extractor fan which helped.

Since doing the car I've bought a mini detail gun but to be honest ive hardly used it as I've gotten lazy on small bits and reverted to rattle guns or getting stuff powder coated. I enjoyed the process of painting the car and was proud of how it turned out but, it was a HUGE amount of work, lots more than I anticipated and made me appreciate the work done by the pros and the prices they charge.

This is how my car turned out


With the rattle cans I've found the handles you can buy and a decent nozzle make a difference. That and warm the cans in hot water before use helps smooth it out.

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Thanks sdh for the reply,

The issue apart from the dust I've had with aerosols is getting an almost gritty finish. I wet and dry it smooth, spray on another coat and this too becomes gritty. It's not gritty to touch but looks it in the light if you know what I mean.

I had read somebody else recommend the gun triggers for aerosols so perhaps I'll get one to try.

Any suggestions on whether any aerosol paint brand is better than other?



Just a thought but if your getting a gritty finish it could be your holding the can too far away and the paint is drying before it hits the part? This also happens If it's too hot a day when painting. Generally not an issue in the UK!


Could well be holding the can too far away. A pretty good finish is achievable on small pieces with a rattle can. as above heating the can will increase the pressure and make it spray better. I've always found the key is to be fairly quick, avoid putting too little paint on and try to keep the paint "wet" if that makes sense? You want one line to be wet as you spray the next so it sort of blends in. That's what I find works best anyway. 

This is with rattle cans and petrol resistant lacquer which doesn't give the best finish. Not even flatted and polished it and tbh I don't think I'll bother.


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My first bit of spraying was a complete  Reliant Scimitar in 2 pack mostly holding my breath outdoors...  every fly from all around came and visited.   But after flatting back and polishing only I knew they had been there. Much like amber preserved prehistoric insects that car will have preserved the feet of modern flies.   The next Spraying activity was a campervan.  Now having kids and more respect for my life I used cellulose.   My tip for cellulose is if your doing it in the cold use anti-bloom thinners.   I think! there needs ideally to be a barrier coat put on gel coat as the cellulose thinners softens the gel coat.   Maybe others can comment on this?.  If there is any filler there can be different shrinkage rates.   I have considered either painting or wrapping my Westfield but neither are likely this winter.  Maybe next!.      I believe as the panels are relatively flexi on a westfield (compared to Scimitar) there are plasticiser additives which can be added to help the paint from cracking.   A lotus Elan specialist told be that .   I think if a paint shop did it they would know what works on plastic bumpers as these seem to be able to be knocked in and out without cracking the paint.  There are some spray-able wraps!, well paint you can peal off after. I quite like this idea as maybe if there are some cracks in the gel coat maybe these would not crack the paint.


 No idea if its any good,  i watched a demo at a show in Germany.    

Wrap I have watched some youtube clips and it looks simple!...I've been told a wesftield is tricky as the shapes are difficult to cover.  .But I guess its like watching golf on the telly.. use a stick to bat a ball into a hole..how hard can that be!....   Shank!    

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17 hours ago, Kyle said:

Could well be holding the can too far away. A pretty good finish is achievable on small pieces with a rattle can. as above heating the can will increase the pressure and make it spray better. I've always found the key is to be fairly quick, avoid putting too little paint on and try to keep the paint "wet" if that makes sense? You want one line to be wet as you spray the next so it sort of blends in. That's what I find works best anyway. 

This is with rattle cans and petrol resistant lacquer which doesn't give the best finish. Not even flatted and polished it and tbh I don't think I'll bother.

Thanks Kyle,

I'll persevere with it. I'm going to try heating the can next time in hit water and I'm going to buy one of the rattle can trigger guns.




Thanks for the reply, I don't plan on ever going so far as to paint car panels but thanks for the tips.



Equally when spraying at this time of year, with rattle cans; the ambient temperatures are often less than ideal and, especially when spraying a metal item, try and make sure that it's at (indoor) room temperature, otherwise you're nicely thinned/warmed paint is just hitting a cold surface.

The other environmental issue that can be difficult to control, is humidity. Too damp and it seems to make the paint bloom and so on.

On 14/12/2016 at 08:44, Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - WSCC AO Rep said:

Equally when spraying at this time of year, with rattle cans; the ambient temperatures are often less than ideal and, especially when spraying a metal item, try and make sure that it's at (indoor) room temperature, otherwise you're nicely thinned/warmed paint is just hitting a cold surface.

The other environmental issue that can be difficult to control, is humidity. Too damp and it seems to make the paint bloom and so on.

Thanks Dave :yes:


A small update, I bought last night from Halfords (as it has excellent reviews) the Can Gun 1 (Made in USA). It's a trigger operated attachment for rattle cans and is a brilliant tool.

Gives much better control of the spray, I highly recommend it :yes:

So having put a couple of coats on the plate today I top coated with clear.

Any tips for polishing the clear?



What make paint did you use on that rocker?


I used Halford's own primer, paint and petrol-resistant lacquer. I think their paint is fine, as good as any other rattle cans. That was Vauxhall Carbic Blue like the old Corsa's are painted in lol.

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Thanks Kyle :yes:

The finish looks really good.

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