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Stainless steel Westfield badge

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

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Ok Barry - I'll PM you my number too. Cheers


Picked one up at Stoneleigh - nice.

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Marcus - really pleased with the badge I bought from you. However - I decided in the end to respray my existing badge (and grill) today, as its welded to the grill.

Do you mind if I offer it for sale again? I'm off to Stoneleigh tomorrow.



That's fine Rob sorry for late reply been at Stoneleigh all weekend! mine was similar I used tin snips to carefully remove the old rusty badge but I did have to remove the grill from the nose to do it and re attach with tir wraps


Cheers Marcus - your car looked v nice at Stoneleigh by the way :)

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Westfield badge still for sale then - £10 + £2 P&P. Scroll to the top of the thread for pics.



They look good and nice quality, eventually I'll get around to fitting mine on a new grill.


Westfield badge still for sale then - £10 + £2 P&P. Scroll to the top of the thread for pics.


PM sent


PM replied to


Hi, are there any left?? They look great


Yes there are some left, I have them at the moment but giving them back to Marcus tomorrow.


Robin, can I buy one from you? Please can you let me know what form of payment you accept and if you can pop in the post?!


Are these the same ones that were on the autojumble table at Stoneleigh and am I right in thinking that the design has changed a little from the original thread pics?

The ones I recall seeing in the tent looked a bit less like the standard grill lettering and looked really good on, what I'm guessing, was Marcus's blue car outside the tent. Apologies if I've got that wrong but would like one if they are the ones I saw there




Hi, are there any left?? They look great

Yes I will send you a pm  :)


Are these the same ones that were on the autojumble table at Stoneleigh and am I right in thinking that the design has changed a little from the original thread pics?

The ones I recall seeing in the tent looked a bit less like the standard grill lettering and looked really good on, what I'm guessing, was Marcus's blue car outside the tent. Apologies if I've got that wrong but would like one if they are the ones I saw there



Hi Mark yes I will send you a pm  :)


HI, do you still sell these please? 

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