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Looking to buy a Westie and new to WSCC

Josh Lawson

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You have two very different cars in Barnet and one up in Cuffley to look over.


You'd be welcome to pop over for a chat and a tyre kick, we are nr the Hospital.


You free Sunday Morning from 09:00..?

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Who's car is it? Anyone on here...?

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Welcome aboard. If its the red one on Pistonheads  with the VVC and black interior, looks very tidy. Enjoy and take it easy in the beginning.


I would attempt to clarify and add to this....... With the gradual increase of driver safety (driver incompetence mitigation) aids over the years, It's important to realise just how much of the driving a modern tin top does for you.

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Barnet 9am tomorrow awesome thank you, that would be great!!

I have a question for everyone... How do you get insurance to test drive?!

I can't find anyone who offers test drive insurance

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Unless you're buying from a dealer, don't be too surprised if a seller won't allow you to test drive given how different to 'normal' cars these can be - more likely they'll drive you.

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Hi Andy,

I'm free any time from 9am, please let me know when would be convenient for you? It is much appreciated.

Best Wishes, Josh is

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I have feeling that the k series engined car is an ex Surrey members car. It was a factory build and was cherished by him during his ownership. He now has VX220 if I recall correctly.

It was sold by him about 3 years ago.

If I remember his username I will post it.

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Looks like a nice clean car. To be honest, if you buy a clean car at the price that seems about average for its spec. , you'll get your money back when you come to sell it. I just bought the first one I saw, that I liked the condition  of and the engine spec, and then sold that after a while (for a healthy profit) , and bought the next, which is nowhere near as clean as some, but it's brilliant fun, and I'll get my money back easily. I'm just not the type that can be patient and look at several cars. I just go on instinct.


Part of the Westie fun for me is trying the different models, one by one :-)


When you look at Westfields they seem to come in two camps - the very clean ones, and the averagely clean ones. It's pretty obvious when you see a few. The very clean ones have not a dangling wire in sight, under the bonnet or dash. Everything is clean. Minimal scratching. Nice condition tyres. Clean interior. All the accesories (hood, toneau, doors). All the paperwork. Your red one looks like this.


The average ones tend to have more crazing on the glass fibre, scruffier interiors (oil spills and torn carpets), scruffy wiring looms under the bonnet (loose cables cable tied to the back of chassis members , held together with an array of different connectors), patchy history. Both mine have been these, and both have been excellent cars. No doubt I'd have had spotless cars had I had more patience, but I'm not bothered. As long as they are fun, and good value, that's good enough for me.


There are a few dogs around - keep an eye on ebay - though there is nothing wrong with ebay.


This forum seems to be the source for some really top cars. As does Pistonheads

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The average ones tend to have more crazing on the glass fibre, scruffier interiors (oil spills and torn carpets), scruffy wiring looms under the bonnet (loose cables cable tied to the back of chassis members , held together with an array of different connectors), patchy history. Both mine have been these, and both have been excellent cars. No doubt I'd have had spotless cars had I had more patience, but I'm not bothered. As long as they are fun, and good value, that's good enough for me.

I would agree on this. I have to say mine was an averagely tidy one but I loved the way it looked, spec was great, it had pedigree and was in my budget. I also think that it's been great having a not so tidy one because I'm far more inclined to do work on it myself.
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I would agree on this. I have to say mine was an averagely tidy one but I loved the way it looked, spec was great, it had pedigree and was in my budget. I also think that it's been great having a not so tidy one because I'm far more inclined to do work on it myself.

+1 on this sentiment. I was a complete numpty in respect of working on cars. If I'd bought a pristine car, I'm sure I still would be. However, my Westy was anything but and, as a result, I am chuffed at the extent to which I now know my way around it and love my tinkering time in the garage.

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Do you know Barnet Hospital? Come down the road and across into Well Road. You won't miss me. We can go for a short run in mine over to Tolf and have a poke around his and have a chat.

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Do you know Barnet Hospital? Come down the road and across into Well Road. You won't miss me. We can go for a short run in mine over to Tolf and have a poke around his and have a chat.

That's what I love about this forum as a newbie....what a great offer.

I bought the first one I saw but I'd already made up my mind that I fancied the older technology which was more akin to my days when I started driving before ecu's etc became the norm. More importantly too for me personally, I purchased my car to a low end budget.

Having said that, I'd looked at literally hundreds on the net, so I was fairly sure what I wanted and when I saw mine advertised, I knew that I'd be driving it back bar disasters, even though it was over 100 miles away.

Hope the viewing goes well mate and let us all know how you get on.


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So that was a great couple of hours. Hope you enjoyed the ride and I think you'll now make the right decision  :yes:


Give me a buzz any time you need anything and of course, as you can see, there is always someone here who can offer advice, assistance, etc. when you need it.


Final bit of advice, along with everything we discussed and what others have said above. Take it REAL slow on the way home, we did some reasonably fast stuff today but we "kinda" know what we are doing. The traction changes with changing weather and temps across the day and I notice the car you are thinking of has R888 tyres which may be a little snappy when cold and certainly more so than mine or Tolf's were on the road today...


Get it, get home slow and safe and then we'll have some fun :)

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Ian and Andy, a massive thank you for taking me out for a ride and for the pearls of wisdoms. I have advised the Caterham seller that I am no longer interested, and already paid for the HPI check (all clear), and arranged to pick up my new Westie next weekend.

Looking forward to the first blatt... And yes thank you, I'll be taking it very easy on the way home.

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:ww:  Josh.     I've never seen a K series engine in a Westfield but it is a good match and very tuneable.   Hope to see you on a Essex/Nth London blat one day assuming you buy the Westfield and it's all good.

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