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Phantom 3 Advanced drone, question.

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Does any member use a DJI Phantom 3, Advanced drone.


Does it have to be a perfectly still day to fly, or is an amount of "breeze" ok.


They look to be a brilliant piece of kit and trying to determine if it could be flown most days or just a few "still" days a year.

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Andy Lowe on the North West Kit Car Group on Facebook has one.

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They recommend max 30mph wind. Flown mine in a lot worse but wouldn't do it again. It was hard to land it, not on the floor I catch it by hand.

You just need a bit of common sense in what weather to fly it in, that day I'd run out of the stuff lol

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They recommend max 30mph wind. Flown mine in a lot worse but wouldn't do it again. It was hard to land it, not on the floor I catch it by hand.

You just need a bit of common sense in what weather to fly it in, that day I'd run out of the stuff lol


Have you got any real footage from the camera ?


And are they easy to pick and fly?

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They are great, really stable

They bounce around a bit in the wind as the gps corrects the position. Always seems safe though

Catching by hand is easy and always a safer bet if you are unsure about landing it.

Selling mine soon if anyone is interested in a beginners one. It won't depreciate and you can try it out on a much more affordable one

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I've got one and they're a great bit of kit straight out the box. Just take your time to learn the basics, read the manual and watch tons of YouTube vids!

I've flown in winds up to 20mph but you've also to remember that winds also gust and it's then when things can become hairy to the novice pilot! You'll be pleasantly surprised at how often winds are below 20mph in the UK .. I know Phantom owners as far north as Inverness, lol! Here's one of my efforts - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10209302889355704&id=1426761391

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I like that Robert.

I have placed my order for one and I have gone for the three advanced.

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Cheers mate! The P3A is the best option by far too get best bang for your buck right now! DJI are announcing their new P4 tomorrow but it's rumoured to be pricey! You say you've ordered already but watch for a potential price drop..

Although, on saying that, the P3A did drop massively recently so there may not be ant plans to drop it further anytime soon. You can never tell with tech! Who have you ordered through?

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Here's one of Andy Lowe's video's 

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Thanks for posting the film Ian.

The drones take such good pictures.



I ordered one of the packages from SLR Hut in the USA and saved a ton of money.

I know they have mixed reviews but I have ordered from them in the past and never had an issue.

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Well I wish I had not bought mine now.


Just look at this.


Absolutely amazing.




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