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You need an MSA competition licence that covers hill climbs and sprinting to enter WSCC speed Series events

Usually its a National B licence ( non race ) Speed


Have a look at the beginners guide which is in the Speed Series Section of the Boardroom

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Can apply/purchase MSA Non Race Nat B licence on line here..... Clicky


The MSA can issue licences to non-UK nationals - See Section 5. Application notes. I'm not sure what an ASN is but I am sure if you speak to the MSA they will guide you.


Well... after some phone calls... seems I'll be unable to compete.

My ASN (National sport autority FIA afiliated)... so the RFEDA, from spain have to autorize to the MSA To give me a license.

After some calls today, the RFDEA, will not autorize to the MSA, because I've never had a national license(FIA) before. All my previous racing licenses have been regional and managed by the local federation of the Balearic Islands.

I'm stuck right now and really upset. Will call to MSA tomorrow to know if there is any other way to proceed... but dont expect any good news.


I confess that I know nothing of how things work in the rest of Europe as regards to race licences however I would have thought that the Local Federation of Balearic Islands would have to be affiliated to the ASN.

I don't understand Therefore it should follow that they should give permission to the MSA to give you a licence.

It would be a real shame if you couldn't compete here just because of some idiotic red tape !

Have you spoken to the MSA itself or just the authorities in Spain ?


Just get a new national B licence M


Speed national B licence from MSA is all that you need. No need for anything fancier


Do they understand you live here now? That you've ahem, "permanently" moved to the UK? You don't want to extend or transfer in some way your old licence. You just need a new, local, Speed national B type licence - as John said


Yes Dave. I Think so... but is not where I have my main residence, that in fact oficialy is in spain... is what my pasport says.

I'm doing some further investigations with some mates that have been racing in uk on the elise trophy before coming back to the oficial way again... The way that they have proceed is having an International full race license, that is really expensive.

I don't want to call to MSA before having all the facts to avoid get the wrong answer. By the way... the online form is not working for me. Seems that will not be easy and depends about the kind of agreement of each national FIA afiliate have.


Can we be clear that you want to do sprinting/hillclimbs and not Racing?


Can we be clear that you want to do sprinting/hillclimbs and not Racing?

This does not make any difference in spain. We only have national driver and national navigator... and international licenses.

Spoken with MSA. Its oficial. I'll be unable to have a b license. RFEDA will never autorize it, using any argument they can find to try to force me to pay for the spanish international, as they told me yesterday tha without any previous license they cant autorice anything... the international is too expensive. Today is holliday in spain. Will try tomorrow again, but all the previous experiencies from my mates is that will never happen. Really ashamed of my passport right now.


On the MSA application I don't recall that they ask for your passport details.


Just put your UK address and apply for a Nat B without saying anything to Spain.




Yes. It does. Nationality as shonw in passport. We can stop to try to find shortcuts. Unless someone have any contact un higher levels in MSA, to force the RFEDA to autorize it, there is nothing I can do I'm affraid. Tomorrow I'll try some contacts in my regional federation, but the policy of RFEDA is to NOT allow to race spanish citicens with non spanish licenses.


Just put your nationality as Spanish and use your uk address. Also tick no to holding any foreign licenses. As yours is obviously not recognised.


There is not way to do it online. As soon as I put that I'm spanish, the sistem is tellig me that my aplication can't proceed.


i have to do mine every year by snail mail because I take tablets . and it wont  recognise no change from previous years.


give them a phone call and explain . they wont refuse you they like taking your money

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