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Where to go for an overnight from Edinburgh?


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Forgot to add, if worried about weather, over night, then the covers like Buttercup's had made, or the ones from Walker St Claire are great to leave on in the car park. They fold up really small, but are big enough to cover the cockpit area.

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Pretty much what Dave has just said, I was going to put the hood up, waterproof cover over the top and a decent bike chain on. A B&B in the places we were thinking of staying would have been pretty safe I would have thought and If it was parked up within 100yds of the B&B and someone managed to start it, I and I think the rest of the neighborhood would be awake :p


I think you just need to worry about opportunists, I wouldn't have thought Westfields or kit cars in general were targeted by pro car jackers as they're not "desireable" in the way other cars are. Though I am sure there are instances where I will be proven wrong here, perhaps with almost race spec ones?

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