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Clan McWesty: Nev's Charity Blat'n'BBQ - 26th July

Rab (bombero) Reid

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It's that time of year again .. (well, a wee bit later this year) for Neville's blat aboot the Borders and BBQ at his ponderosa! Nev and his wife put a lot of effort into organising a great day out - a chance for a run around the beautiful Scottish Borders which we only tend to do once a year finishing with some fab homemade grub at Nev's place, which is nestled in the hillsides near Selkirk. Neville asks nothing for the BBQ but only a donation amount of your choice to charity, so please make every effort to attend!


Details of the blat are to follow,but for now Nev would like numbers for those interested as he'll need to sort out the catering therfore please add your name to the list!



Matt +1


Paul (tbc)


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going to have to miss it this year , got tickets for George Benson .

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I received the following email from Nev:


Hi Rab


My suggested route for the BBQ run would be to meet up in the Sherrifhall park and ride at about 11, then head out as follows:


First leg –  just over  1 hour

Edinburgh to Innerleithen via A7 and B7007 (only the first 7 miles are on the A7 – this is the route we took last year)

Innerleithen to Gordon Arms via B709

Gordon Arms to Roberton and Hawick via B709 and B711

Second leg – about 1.5 hours

Hawick to Newcastleton via B6399

Newcastleton to Bonchester Bridge via B6357

Bonchester Bridge to Hawick via A6088

Hawick to ashkirk via Hassendean and Clerklands.


All of these roads are fantastic, and I think the second leg in particular , from Hawick to Newcastleton and to Bonchester Bridge, is quite stunning with a great mix of fast wide B roads and narrower twistier bits.


If you want the route extended we  can probably add another 45 minutes onto it if required by heading out beyond Newcastleton. Perhaps we might leave that as an option for the day itself, depending on weather.


I think the group may have done part of the first leg before, but the second leg should be new to most of them.  Even so, the first bit bears repeating, especially if the weather is good.


This route allows for arrival in Ashkirk circa 2.00pm which allows plenty of time for the BBQ and a leisurely return to Edinburgh.




Sounds like a great route and I can certainly vouch for the Hawick-Newcastleton road as fantastic!! I might suggest to Nev, a 10:30 or even 10:00 start dependant on distances to travel to Sherifhall. This'll ease the time guys are having to travel back home ie not too late.


We need to know approximate numbers for the BBQ and we appear to be down on our usual attendance so far possibly due to change of date but can I encourage y'all to make your bestest efforts for this one!

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Matt +1


Paul (tbc)


Any more thinking about joining us?
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Depending how I recover from the Wickerman festival :) on the Sat night, I hope to meet up with you at or around the Gordon Arms (If I am not there dont wait for me!).

Unfortunately, wont be able to make Nev's BBQ this year though, so will peel off after Hawick.




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If there's no objections to a Sasenach joining in - I might be able to meet up for the Hawick to Newcastleton leg?


Depends on how I am following a friend's kid's wedding the night before in Durham though!

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Thanks for letting us know, Dave.

Chris, it would be great to see you again after meeting at Stoneleigh! I'll PM you my mobile so you can let me know even as late as the Sunday :t-up:


Matt +1


Paul (tbc)


Dave (tbc)

Chris (tbc)

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Hi Rab - what's the latest on the start time? 10:00 would be better if that suits everyone?




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Hi Rab - what's the latest on the start time? 10:00 would be better if that suits everyone?




I've yet to speak to Nev but we might compromise on 10:30 (tbc) as Campbell might be making the epic run down from Aberdeen and I want to check with Kev if he's coming over from Bishopton. 

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I'm interested but cant confirm until very near the time. Im a skinny runt anyway so wont eat much if I do turn up :d



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Meeting time at Sheriffhall park'n'ride is now 10:30

Can all those still to confirm, please do so on here - numbers required for BBQ. Cheers!

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If I have read it correctly - are these your proposed routes?


McWesty Leg 1 



McWesty Leg 2



My first leg can take me to Hawick (start), Newcastleton, Saughtree, Bonchester Bridge or Hawick (end) - so if you have a rough idea what time you lot are likely to be at any of the above on your second leg, then I can have an idea of where I can get to in order to meet up on time (hangover and good nature of my lovely wife permitting!)


Kingster Leg 1 (Hawick)



Kingster Late set-off Leg 1 (Saughtree)


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