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Help name kittens!


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Stuff and nonsense indeed...

The boss has said we are getting done new kittens.

Previously had cats and my only rule was that I got to name them. They became Smokey sad nd the bandit.

Been without them for a while now but be nice for the kids etc so agreed to get some more as they were handy keeping the mice away to be fair!

Name needs to be a cool duo or something funny and I believe one is a girl and one a boy (not that it matters really!)

Struggling to top Smokey and the bandit but my favourite so far is Mince and tatties (might not mean much to those south of the border though!).

Any good suggestions?


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Neeps and tatties

Nicola and sturgeon

Independence and referendum

Cooking fat 1 and 2

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We have four! Felix, Nemo, Mimi and Neoc* But how about...

  • Vee and Eight
  • Norm and Steve**
  • Vodka and Jelly
  • Bob and Buttercup***



*Not Even Our Cat!" - a stray that SWMBO fed and so...

**No offence Wuvs

*** If you've been paying attention

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Sprocket and pinion.

I always wanted a dog called sprocket after I watched fraggle rock.

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Seriously though, you need to ask Calum Banks...

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Ours is called Barry.

I'd go for Trevor and Eileen.

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Big & Mac..?

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Stuff and Nonsense, after all that's the heading you are asking it under!

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How about...Carpenter and Joiner......because they leave little jobs all over the house.

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