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Peak District Area Run From Donnington Park

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Forgot to mention.

Westfield are holding one of their experience days at Donington on Saturday. 

If you arrive early, or have time in the morning the westfield guys are around the other side of the circuit from the cafe and exhibition centre (use the melbourne gate entrance).

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Oh wow I really must stop saying this because I will sound like a liar but today really, really has been the best day ever in a Westfield. A 7.30 am start driving down to Donnington, all morning on the Westfield Experience day followed by an 80 mile run out before driving 20 miles back home for 7.30 pm.


I will cover the Westfield Experience on a separate post, complete with video and pictures, ha ha me trying to donut!!!


So, after our Experience Trevor and us met Martyn and Sue, Sean and Emma, Neil and Nicola at the Donnington cafe.


Trevor leading the way, with Neil, then me and Sean behind. Martyn and Sue's poppers had popped off and we had lost them  :oops: .





We got to the Salt Box transport cafe and it was shut, then it started to rain so we carried on.




We stopped for fuel and found Martyn and Sue. Neil and Nicola needed to go but it was nice to meet them, the 1.6 CVH got an airing ready for tomorrows track day.


We carried on along more twisty roads, through pretty villages and over reservoirs. As fast as the rain came the sun dried us out so we didn't bother with the roof and just kept trapping on until we landed at the cake shop. Oh my I have got some living up to do, I may be able to provide tighter and steeper twists on the road but, Trevor , I cannot beat this.




At the cake shop




More to come in a minute

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After topping up the blood sugar we carried on past Alton Towers. If you want my advice scrap the cost of a ticket into there and spend your money on petrol - hit the roads that run along side it. We have just got to go up the hill that we came down today, twisting and steep, just how we like it, we will be back. Finally arriving at Ca**ington Water but by now we knew the cafe would be closed so we went to the Knockerdown pub instead.


That's a funny chicken.




The Knockerdown pub.




So don't tell me you need to start a new exercise regime, just spend the day with us, my arms, back and stomach muscles are howling but best of all is the adrenaline buzz. At 7.30 pm when I got home I was sorry to get out of the car, you just don't tire of driving these things, when are we doing the

24 hour Le Westfield, my name is first on the list. Watch out tomorrow for the Experience write up, it will be in Stuff and Nonsense.

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Great write up Julie and a great day.. just a little moist in places early afternoon.


The cake shop was an unexpected treat. It all started innocently with Glen weakening and ordering a meringue, then after the meringue arrived and some short (very short) debate ..there were three :)


Then there were three



As Julie said we'll plan a reverse route back up the Alton towers hill and the cake shop..I'll check out the roads around Cannock and plan another trip


Good to see Neil and Nicola, I hope you have better weather at Blyton today.


and finally.. try the westfield experience , great fun and  very entertaining instructors

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