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CADWELL PARK TRACK DAY - Monday 23rd March

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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XTR2Turbo, on 27 Feb 2015 - 7:31 PM, said:

Guys won't be doing this. Big back issues that could take 8 to 12 weeks to recover. :-(

GWS David :t-up:

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Thanks. An absolute nightmare. Never had anything so painful and debilitating

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Guys won't be doing this. Big back issues that could take 8 to 12 weeks to recover. :-(

Heck - all the best chap

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Usually do one at caddy around this time of year, but as of yet I've got no engine, I've built the bottom end and it's ready but waiting on my head coming back from being gas flowed, it's been 2 months now so I'm chasing it up Monday,

if I can get it back in the next week or so and get it mapped in time, I'll be up for this. But think i might be pushing it abit time wise

Also finally got your old gearbox fitted in my dads caterham the other week Steve, so it would be good to give that a run out aswell


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Would be good to see you there Mitch, we've got a day at Croft at the start of may of you miss it though  :t-up:

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Would like to be there it's been a while I'm itching to get out again, plus I want to see what my new spec engine goes like.

I would like to do croft whats the noise limit? I seem to struggle everywhere other than cadwell.

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105 static for Croft, same as Cadwell.

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Might be ok then, although I struggle at oulton it's right on the limit of 105db yet when I get tested at cadwell it vary's between 95-101 db

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I'm always higher at Oulton than anywhere else, I think that's normal.

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Started checking the westy over today

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We had a great day out on Tuesday at Snetterton, bit of a quiet response from on here but we had a few Westies along and there's time to sort some more before the next one!

I had great fun in my little Peugeot, getting some practice in for it's first race in a few weeks.
We had a wet morning 
followed by dry afternoon 
seemed to work pretty well and aside from a few red flags we had no queueing all day which was how we all like it!
Cadwell is only just over two weeks away, I'm planning to bring my Westfield along and we've already got a few others booked in, it's only £119 for full open pit lane and free instruction so shout up if you'd like to join us!
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first proper drive of the year last night :t-up:

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How's it looking for numbers as hoping mine might be ready but will be last minute.

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It's selling fine but we've still got a few places to fill so keep in touch.

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