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Monday 29th December. After Christmas run to the coast

Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

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So, What an eventful day we've all Had. To start with the bumble bee was protesting about coming out in the cold but after about 40 min of gentle persuasion she decided to change her mind and got us under way. Luckily for us the others were waiting, standing in the cold for at least 45 min as the fox and grapes was closed, I don't feel guilty at all, NOT. After talking with Martin he was all ready for the run, however excitement was short lived and unfortunately Martin never made the Fox and Grapes, In true topgear style we just left him stood by the roadside awaiting recovery. we were keen to crack on so we set off with a couple wheel spins to warm the tyres. We trundled on down the A64 before we stopped for fuel and the unavoidable toilet stop. We then set off again on the A64 when Buttercup nearly got wiped out by a woman ( Not that gender matters of course Julie) pulling out of a layby, followed by someone else doing the same to me, maybe 2 yellow westfield's were not bright enough to see.

The fun started after we got on the road towards Stamford bridge and the traffic died down. We followed our trusty Red Spider down the lovely country roads, beautiful views I might add.

We got to a road junction in Hunmanby when Red Spiders hands started to flap and he decided to get out, thought he'd decided to walk but soon realised it was his westfield that wanted him to walk, not him. We all watched helplessly while he pushed the car down the hill into a pub car park where he got laid down on the freezing ground and started to tinker, all it needed was the fuel pump tapping with the back edge of a wrench and we were all off again with a new leader that looked very much like a buttercup.

We were now in Buttercup territory.

We headed down to Filey sea front without trying to draw attention to ourselves. We ended up at filey brigg café to find that we couldn't park there because it was a caravan park and the cafe was closed so we had to park across the road, we kindly obliged and turned round our cars.

A short walk led us to the beach where we found the Chippy, Mrs Bioman and Mrs Rickyboy were on table duty and they did very well by jumping on the next available table. (Result). After the hike back to the cars we headed off up to Scarborough to take in the views from Oliver's mount followed by a drive on the seafront. Posing for photographs on the way. By this time, it was getting dark so we headed off for a petrol station followed by the long cold drive home, which despite the cold and low visibility was quite enjoyable, even the mrs fell asleep.

Good day had by all

All the best for 2015

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Well I think all's been said, apart from my spin on black ice on the bridge over  the M1 at Garforth, but that was before I got to the Fox and Grapes. I just did a twirl and ended up facing a Transit van, no damage, but got off better than the Nissan Micra that had hit the barrier just before me.

I missed the car pulling out on Buttercup, but I was in front.

My car died coming in to Hummamby, but a down hill coast into a pub car park and a fuel problem was diagnosed. Ignition on and no ticking from the fuel pump. Call the AA or hit it with a spanner? Hit it with a spanner and off to Filey.

Cafe closed on the Brigg, so a walk down to the Coble Landing for Fish an Chips, then on to Scarborough and a blast around Olivers Mount, a pose around the town centre, (Buttercups normal Friday night acctivity) and an underground carpark later and we pulled up on the sea front path outside a cafe.

It was starting to get a bit darker by then so we decided to head for home. A fuel stop and on to the A64.

I dropped back a bit on the York bypass as I couldn't see where I was going, rubbish wipers, rubbish lights, a washer pipe that kept coming off and one mirror that I couldn't see anything in.

It was nice to meet up with Buttercup and Mr and Mrs Bioman, sorry, I mean Liz, and hope to see you again sometime.

I've got the worlds worst camera which only took 3 pictures, so here they are,



Fox and Grapes,



On Filey Brigg,



And the War Memorial at Olivers Mount.

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And I need to wash my car now.

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So the bumble bee is all jet washed, hand washed and dried and is airing off in the garage awaiting the next outing.

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