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Monday 29th December. After Christmas run to the coast

Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

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Looks like a plan then, we just need to sort out a date now. I could maybe meet up with anyone coming from Huddersfield way then to the fox and grapes.

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Rickyboy can't make the Sunday, so we'll change to MONDAY, same time and place.

Hope this is ok.

I've also put this on the Cobra club forum, so there might be a couple of Cobras too.

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If a very good forecast I'll try and get along to this.

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Great, the more the merrier. Not seen the weather forecast, but it is still 2 weeks away.

Haven't heard anything from the Cobra lot yet, but there's still time.

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Sorry to be a pain, my sister has changed plans as bl**** usual, I'm good for Sunday or Monday. I'm easy, which ever. Looking forward to it. I might even have my new lights on if Santa has brought any.

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Looks like a plan then, we just need to sort out a date now. I could maybe meet up with anyone coming from Huddersfield way then to the fox and grapes.


Can meet up on route to Fox if you want  :)  we could do Leeds tunnel run route to Fox and grapes  :blush:  :love:

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Yeah deffo Marcus, I could drive over your way, maybe meet you on Hudds/Leeds road somewhere.not sure if you've got my number, it's 07876680552 to arrange nearer the time

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Shall we stick to Monday, it might be a bit quieter with some back at work.

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Mr Spider - Please could you ammend the title of this post to reflect that we have now decided to go on Monday 29 December.


Thanks  :)

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Hello All.


if its ok I would like to tag along to. Only problem is, is that I live by Filey so I proposed driving over to Leeds and then driving back to be part of the convoy.


I was asked to find somewhere in Filey for fish and chips but to be honest there is no where I can think of that is open and also good for parking.


Scarborough in my opinion is still the best for parking and eating but certainly don't want to stop people going to Filey.

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I have been Into Filey today and found a cafe in the town centre that will be open and there is a carpark outside. If this carpark is full then there Is a supermarket carpark but think you pay in that one. I am not sure what the food is like but it will be open. If is called the pit stop cafe.

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