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Rory's Dad

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I have my worries about this daft injunction, If I turn up at the Black country meet and there's just one more car there we will be in breach of the injunction, simple.


I think a test meet at some point over the Christmas break is in order to see what response if any the plod will come up with, then I reckon it would be time to seek the expert help of the RAC's legal team on this one, I don't think it would stand up to a Judicial revue....


Anyone else up for a test case???



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I think we should chill out take this in the spirit it's intended. They're trying to get the wheelspinning, street racing crew off the streets, I don't think for one minute they are interested in genuine car club meets whether they are kit cars, classic cars or Barry boys. They're not going to charge into Stoneleigh on horseback and tear gas us or arrest anyone at a local club meetup, that's internet hysteria getting the better of you Nemesis

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I think we should chill out take this in the spirit it's intended. They're trying to get the wheelspinning, street racing crew off the streets, I don't think for one minute they are interested in genuine car club meets whether they are kit cars, classic cars or Barry boys. They're not going to charge into Stoneleigh on horseback and tear gas us or arrest anyone at a local club meetup, that's internet hysteria getting the better of you Nemesis

I wish I could share your view. The problem is you have associated the type of people with a law which is wide ranging. If the law said that there would be a banning of car meets where the average age of the driver was under 25, driving modified production cars, where 30 or more gather, you could say it will not affect any other sensible group, but it does not.

It says if more than two cars gather in an organised way, it is illegal. Whether the people in charge want to use it is another matter, but they could if it does not suit them and that is what is wrong.

Take Castle Combe as an example, the local council was happy with the noise levels, worked with the circuit on events all was well. Then, allegedly, a Lord of the Realm moved into the area, his wife disliked the noise on a race day, so he instructed the legal bods to make his wife happy. They used the Enviromental noise laws to force the council to take action, they did not want to but faced with a powerful person with a badly thought out law, they had no option but to severely affect that business that had run for years. 

We now see a campaign to stop these laws being used in such a way, but this is not isolated.

Now others in the area do not like the days they legally run at the circuit as some like Japfest, Rally day generate hundreds of cars in the area causing traffic problems, they want further restrictions on how many cars etc as it does not suit them. Imagine that they get this law that is aimed at one thing but use it for another?


Bad laws are used by people incorrectly and we all suffer.

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Would it be possible maybe for our illustrious and exalted Chairman to make some representations to say the RAC legal people to get some official advise and interpretation. To avoid any difficulties when we restart our summer meets. You probably already have.


Scott I will pm you.


Bob :)

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I wish I could share your view ... Bad laws are used by people incorrectly and we all suffer.


I'm not going to lose any sleep about it. I'll still be turning up in carparks, looking at other peoples' cars and letting others have a poke about with mine.


Still, it makes a nice story to wind ourselves up with on the internet

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I wish I could share your view. The problem is you have associated the type of people with a law which is wide ranging. If the law said that there would be a banning of car meets where the average age of the driver was under 25, driving modified production cars, where 30 or more gather, you could say it will not affect any other sensible group, but it does not.

It says if more than two cars gather in an organised way, it is illegal. Whether the people in charge want to use it is another matter, but they could if it does not suit them and that is what is wrong.

I am the same really.

- On the surface I almost happy to just roll over and expect it never to effect me.

- But given what has happened else where, I am actually very uncomfortable with the potential risk.

Taking your non-alcohol park example, there is a way of policing where you take out a bylaw or the like banning alcohol, but then turn a blind eye to it when its done responsible and or without the perceived negative side effects. But actually then a large number of people are actually braking the law, and you only need one uptight person to book a family group who have had half a glass more bucks fizz and everyone suddenly stops seeing that as an option, or flip it the otherway, someone child gets booked for drinking and they decided to take it all the way, sighting the precedent sent for families drinking during the day, and its all over the mail the following sunday!

Its mess, law is mess, more are more messy.


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If the wording is as blunt as stated above then car groups should start complaining (damn auto correct) about things like church fetes, car boots, horse events etc. basically anything where people need to meet where they use a car

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