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How exactly are they going to define "cruising"?


A gathering of car owners?

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How exactly are they going to define "cruising"?


A gathering of car owners?


My thought exactly.

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sounds like a good move to me to stop the oiks causing a nuisance


and not to be confused with the likes of us doing what we do (or do any of us meet down at the Matalan car park, do donuts, pump out thumping tunes and then throw our McDonalds rubbish out the window when we are done?)



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I share your fears.  The devil is in the definition of "cruising".  The collection of idiots in the story have been "cruising" (racing) for years now, endangering many peoples' lives and property as well as their own.  There have been several crashes, and a number of injuries and also a fatality or two.  They are hooligans of the first order.  It doesn't surprise me that this action was finally taken.


What we do (or at least what I hope we do) is nothing like this.  Yes, we want to get together, show off our cars and drive or "cruise", but we don't drive like these loons on public roads or private areas without the owner's consent - we drive and behave within the law.


Just to be clear as well that we have had one or two members in the past who tried to publicly advocate and encourage driving at excessive speeds or in a potentially dangerous manner on public roads - note the use of the words "had" and "past" - enough said.  Those kind of people are not welcome in this club, full stop.


I think as long as we drive in a responsible and considerate fashion, we will all be fine.  I'm not going to lose any sleep over this one. :t-up:

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I must protest at the completely misleading post title.

I started reading thinking it was going to be about furtive, anonymous rumpy pumpy at the back of the supermarket only to discover it is about road safety...

Most disappointed...

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Just to be clear as well that we have had one or two members in the past who tried to publicly advocate and encourage driving at excessive speeds or in a potentially dangerous manner on public roads - note the use of the words "had" and "past" - enough said.  Those kind of people are not welcome in this club, full stop.


The problem is that driving can be perceived in different ways by different people, I've had abuse shouted at me by people (50yrs plus) who just assume that a loud car must be driving too fast, regardless of the fact i'm following another car doing 30, and then also recently when coming into a 40 limit from a 60, locking a front wheel up on small bump in the road, causing a brief squeal, which got someone riled up enough to shout obscenities in my direction.

Now at no point was I in excess of the speed limit, or even driving anywhere near mine or the cars limits, but the car itself can spark a stereotyped opinion, in much the same way as a whale tail on a Saxo.


Whilst i'm sure most Police officers are going to have some common sense with the application of this "law", there are plenty of folk out there who knowing this "law", would complain if they heard/saw a group of Westfields driving through their village.

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Yep, I agree with you totally, hence the reason I took pains to say "publicly advocate and encourage driving at excessive speeds or in a potentially dangerous manner on public roads" - what you describe is not that, but it can be mistaken by those who see our cars as too loud or too flash, even when driven legally.

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I've had abuse shouted at me by people (50yrs plus) who just assume that a loud car must be driving too fast,


I've had similar. Was once shouted at, in the middle of Knutsford town centre, by an old dear for speeding, (car was in it's aeroscreened Speed Series guise, so sponsors stickers and number backgrounds,) I was helmeted etc.


The only hitch was, I was sat stationary at traffic lights, and the old dear only shouted after coming out of a shop; she hadn't even seen me moving. Just heard a loud idling engine and seen me.

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i guess technically our sunday runs could be classed as a cruise. :( where is the line drawn?


and what about the kids who meet up in a golden-arches-of-taste carparks? whats worse a bunch of kids in a car park not really doing any harm (assuming thats all) or the same kids in a park snorting miowmiow.


maybe its about time we acted proactively and organised sensible places and times to meet up for this? let them have their need for speed tomfoolery. some of these show cars are amzing in the attention to detail and effort that is put into them. maybe not to our taste but deffo worth the credit when its not  car crash in halfords job.


didnt the same thing happen with the skateboards culture and now we ave parks?

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Just seems to me to be provoking a mass run out by a responsible group of like minded motor nuts.


Bob :love:

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Just seems to me to be provoking a mass run out by a responsible group of like minded motor nuts.


Bob :love:


Going to be had to find a group like that, anyone know of one?

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We 'Blat'

not the same as 'cruisin'

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We look like a duck, swim like a duck, and quack like a duck; we can hardly get upset with the rest of the motoring public for not realising we are in fact swan's with race quackers fitted!


And that's my biggest fear, especially given how laxly and hurriedly drafted such things often are, that the descriptions are simply going to be too "catch all", and will end up dragging far more than the intended victims in.

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As usual the devil will be in the detail but I fear that the car hating councils will be watching this with jealousy.

Now we all know that one or two idiots can upset people, but the police already have the power to deal with idiots. They have dangerous driving, careless driving or that other well thought out law S71 IIRC where on the opinion of one officer they can deem your car as likely to cause offence. Aimed at the Barry Boys but can be used on any occasion.

Now we may not like the Max power types but the vast majority have as much pride in their cars as we do, drive with as much care as we do but they are young (usually) but due to a odd one or two we demonise them all.

When the car haters have dealt with these people, then who will be next?

Interesting they can ban this but if a bunch of pikeys turn up and camp on council land they are powerless! More likely they know the pikeys will fight back whereas the car drivers will roll over.

What a state we are in when a judge can impose a blanket ban on a huge area, where councils who are kicking old people out of care homes, can afford top barristers to deal with a few young kids and some think it is a good idea. Where people now group together to wave speed guns at passing cars and report the drivers they don't know but let Doris off. Where people are encouraged to spy on friends and neighbours and film them. If this was a communist state people would be fighting for freedom, pop stars would have charity warbling in support but as it is car enthusiasts there will be no reactions at all.

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