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Have found the following.

  1. Have to reload page to publish post.
  2. New Content is not fully up-to-date.
  3. Couldn't get on earlier this evening.

Is it me??




Not seeing new content when go into sub forums :oops: been like it for me since about 6ish


Likewise here too with the new content ??? I've no idea how to fix it though :oops:


just had same issue posting


And here was me thinking it was our company internet connection...................which it normally is. Looks to be working now


Me too - if you try and post in an old thread it may never be seen because it doesn't seem to move to the top of any forum, sub-forum.


Yeah, I've noticed a few issues since the short outage late yesterday afternoon.  I've reported it to Ade and hopefully he can spend some time on it this weekend.  Weird, though.


Another one seeing 'odd' things


Same here…. ???


i am also seeing all posts as 0 views , 0 replys


Also seeing number of views and number of replies showing zero for recent threads. Including this one!




"View New Content" button is coming with no results for me on all explorers (IE, Chrome and Firefox)


Any luck mr Web Master?


Yep, New content is not working correctly.

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