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Anybody else a bit "meh"..?

John K

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When i woke up this morning I thought GREAT thats another 24 hours i've survived, so how can I make sure I dont waste this day :d

I've allways thought this SAD business is a load of horlicks, just get out a make the most of everyday :t-up:

As Colin McRae said "we're not here for a long time, so lets make it a good time" or summat like that :o

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I like that John K.  I am actually quite the modern man dont you know. :d   winter solstice round mine - we have a few Ilex and Taxus to dance round 

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I've allways thought this SAD business is a load of horlicks, just get out a make the most of everyday :t-up:



Well, when your up in the dark, driving to work in the dark, stuck in doors through all the daylight and then leaving work in the dark, I think it really does have an effect.

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Lyons, you cant change the solar sequence but you cnahge where you are each day.  I love winter as I only work day.iight hours .. :-) 

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Well, when your up in the dark, driving to work in the dark, stuck in doors through all the daylight and then leaving work in the dark, I think it really does have an effect.

Whilst living and working in Scotland for part of my life I experienced the relatively dark winters. Added to the fact that for most of the winter of 1999 and 2000 I was working Monday to Friday in an underground facility it meant I only saw day light at the weekends.

That was a fairly grim time... Added to the fact the rain and fog seemed to wait for the weekends meant I saw b******* all sunlight.

Did not enjoy that at all...

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Well, when your up in the dark, driving to work in the dark, stuck in doors through all the daylight and then leaving work in the dark, I think it really does have an effect.

Yeah I know what you mean, I only did that sort of thing every winter for 47 years, quite often spending the days outside on building sites ankle deep in mud  ;)

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Lyons, you cant change the solar sequence but you cnahge where you are each day.  I love winter as I only work day.iight hours .. :-)

Listen... There is a fine line between being cheerful and being annoying LOL...!

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I've been to northern Sweden a few times on business.  Skelleftea and Ornskoldsvik.  In winter it gets light at 9.30am and dark at 1.30pm.  In summer it's bright daylight at 3am.  You'd believe in SAD if you lived there Mr. H.

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Try spending your days in some of these great big shoping malls when they are being built, you go in there in the middle of summer wearing 2 jumpers and a hat, it's dark, damp (cos' of all the plastering and screeding going on) noisy, dusty and you can hardly see cos' the string of temporary lights has half the bulbs missing and your trying to fix things plumb and level :laugh:

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This thread is actually cheering me up as I'm happy most of you are suffering as well :d


But is it ever so slightly heading into the Monty Python, Four Yorkshire man sketch territory... Utterly brilliant BTW


FOURTH YORKSHIREMAN: I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.  

SECOND YORKSHIREMAN: House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.  

THIRD YORKSHIREMAN: Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor!  

FIRST YORKSHIREMAN: Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.  

FOURTH YORKSHIREMAN: Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.  

SECOND YORKSHIREMAN: We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake.  

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They dont call me lucky Paul for nuthin' ;)

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You need something to look forward to, and to break this winter up, for the last eight years I have had two holidays a year, one in Nov and one in March, somewhere cheap like India where a) it doesn't break the bank, and b) their winter (Nov to Apr) is very similar to summer in Spain.


Then you can use the almost summer we have here having fun in the Westy.


I have left work now, off to sunnier climes in 3 weeks, might come back in April if it get too hot over there.


Career changes are always good too, we do it far less than,for example, in the US . I got my degree when I was 40 and it opened so many new doors.


So, in short, paint a picture of where you want to be, plan the journey, and go.


Finally, if I give the impression that everything is rosy here and I can take my own advice, well, not always..

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You need something to look forward to, and to break this winter up, for the last eight years I have had two holidays a year, one in Nov and one in March, somewhere cheap like India where a) it doesn't break the bank, and b) their winter (Nov to Apr) is very similar to summer in Spain.


Then you can use the almost summer we have here having fun in the Westy.


I have left work now, off to sunnier climes in 3 weeks, might come back in April if it get too hot over there.


Career changes are always good too, we do it far less than,for example, in the US . I got my degree when I was 40 and it opened so many new doors.


So, in short, paint a picture of where you want to be, plan the journey, and go.


Finally, if I give the impression that everything is rosy here and I can take my own advice, well, not always..

Eggsackerly :d  I've always been a glass half full type of person, but stayed in the same career all my working life, dozens of different companies but always a Joiner, but again like Jim it's not all been rosy, I've had quite a few big kicks in the danglies, but you get up, dust yourself down and move on :t-up:  :d

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I have a Westfield - I felt Meh few days last week went out in the rain half hood on, cold wet and draughty but makes me smile, it's not all about the speed to me!!

I also changed carreer 4 years ago, set myself physical achievements (did london marathon, tough mudder), make sure I listen and spend time doing fun activities with my kids, diy and recently moved house - all have cheered me up.

I appreciate it all more since I have recently recovered from an injury where I struggled to walk 200 metres.

Change is the thing keeps me going, embrace it don't be scared of it!

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